Ability to monitor network and other items filtering by its name
SolusVM servers has eth0 interface which shows overall traffic and multiple KVMXXX net interfaces for each VPS.
The goal is to monitor network traffic on VPSes only and alert if it is higher than a specific value.
With the current functionality, the only way is to create alert for each interface manually which is not convenient in case you have 100 VPSes as well as you need to create alert manually each time you deploy a new VPS.
Using "Any of the net items" also won't work, since in such a case, eht0 (HW node interface) shows sum traffic of all VPSes and will always trigger an alert.
Potential solution is to be able to create alert with options like:
1. "Any of the net items" except <list of interfaces" i.e. except eth0 in this case.
2. Or the ability to monitor interfaces by their name mask i.e. "Any of the net items with a name which contains text kvm" meaning it will monitor kvm01, kvm02 net interfaces and won't monitor eth0