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  1. Migrate SpamAssassin training database to a new server when using Plesk Migrator

  2. Improve customer support.  ·  not a feature

  3. Maintain rejected email messages in a queue to be sent later  ·  declined

  4. Allow custom payload for the webhooks

  5. Tech support Team needs to be more active  ·  not a feature

  6. Ad Web-Browser for accessing local config-pages of 3rd-party services  ·  declined

  7. Hability to work more flexible with Plesk UI Log viewer  ·  not a feature

  8. Recovery of Databases from general Plesk Backup Management  ·  declined

  9. 'Park' feature in Plesk  ·  declined

  10. Ability to migrate Mattermost chat/data of the domains to the new server with Plesk Migrator  ·  open discussion

  11. Dr Web key/licence - No boot !  ·  not a feature

  12. Could make a site update area, type a panel who will be responsible for updating the website !, this panel and a client that is in another h  ·  declined

  13. FTP account  ·  declined

  14. Problem with Login Webmail  ·  not a feature

  15. Plesk Fire Wall to upload faster, and allow incremental changes  ·  declined

  16. Windows Server backup and Plesl configuration backup works as disaster recovery. As Plesk backup on very big backup is too slow.  ·  not a feature

  17. Deprecate clear domain names as home directory  ·  open discussion

  18. If package is allowed zero mailboxes, disable mail service for domain.  ·  not a feature

  19. Transfer via ftp a file from one server to another.  ·  declined

  20. Include DNSSEC in backup/restore  ·  not a feature

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