Yes, this will be very helpful. There is definitely a big issue with this for cases like ours - we have several domains in Plesk and one of them is hosted on GMail. So for this one we would like to setup a GMail relay using the smarthost functionality. With the current state of the smarthost feature, this effectively breaks all other domains that send mail through the local SMTP server. As you may know - setting up app passwords on GMail accounts is getting phased out, so it is not possible to use a GMail account authentication on the smarthost (they all have 2FA, as you can imagine). So the only option is to leave the smarthost without auth and to restrict it on the GMail side by IP. Again - this doesn't work as it directs all domains through the GMail SMTP, which on it's side rejects the domains that are not registered on out Workspace account. A very, very common case, I beleive. Limiting which domains should use the smarthost and which should send directly will solve this it seems. It would be better to have a dedicated smarthost per domain, but since it is technically challenging, the proposed solution will be far better than nothing.
Yes, this will be very helpful. There is definitely a big issue with this for cases like ours - we have several domains in Plesk and one of them is hosted on GMail. So for this one we would like to setup a GMail relay using the smarthost functionality. With the current state of the smarthost feature, this effectively breaks all other domains that send mail through the local SMTP server. As you may know - setting up app passwords on GMail accounts is getting phased out, so it is not possible to use a GMail account authentication on the smarthost (they all have 2FA, as you can imagine). So the only option is to leave the smarthost without auth and to restrict it on the GMail side by IP. Again - this doesn't work as it directs all domains through the GMail SMTP, which on it's side rejects the domains that are not registered on out Workspace account. A very, very common case, I beleive. Limiting which domains should use the smarthost and which should send directly will solve this it seems. It would be better to have a dedicated smarthost per domain, but since it is technically challenging, the proposed solution will be far better than nothing.