Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
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7 results found
Add support Comodo ruleset fo ModSecurity 3.0(Nginx)
At the moment it is not possible to use the Comodo ruleset with ModSecurity 3.0(Nginx).
Due to this xmlrpc.php brute force for WordPress is not protected, which is allowing Plesk server to be vulnerable to xmrlpc.php attacks
3 votesStarting from Plesk 18.0.45 version https://docs.plesk.com/release-notes/obsidian/change-log/#plesk-18045,
the nginx ModSecurity ruleset from Comodo in now available in Plesk.
Add support for net core 3.0 for linux and windows plesk
Net core can run applications on windows and linux with a short configurations . Please add support to both OS
1,100 votesThe production version of the .NET extension is available https://www.plesk.com/extensions/dot-net/
I think it would be amazing if you supported Laravel as it is one of the fastest growing php frameworks today.
With it you will attract a lot ore customers.
325 votesIn Plesk 18.0.44 we are glad to introduce the production version of the Laravel Toolkit extension.
1 vote
Moodle 3.5 version is available in Application now.
IG -
OneClick GitLab installation.
Just like DigitalOcean has this option, the user should be able to set up a GitLab on his/her domain.
3 votesThis functionality was added in Plesk Onyx 17.0
We suggest you to upgrade to Plesk Onyx and check it out.
https://hub.docker.com/r/gitlab/gitlab-ce/— AY
Upd: fixed broken links
add magento 2 application
Is very difficulte to install Magento 2 on plsek 12.2 ist it possible add magento pre-install application
58 votesUpd: We have published Magento 2 APS package. Note: based on our research we assume that Magento app is targeted towards dedicated/VPS hosting, and it isn’t particularly feasible for shared hosting.
Joomla toolkit (like Wordpress Toolkit in Plesk 12.0)
joomla support like wordpress in plesk 12
38 votesIt took a while, but good news to everyone.
Since yesterday Joomla Toolkit is available. You can install it via Plesk Extension Catalog or check it out at https://ext.plesk.com/packages/470269a6-5876-44f2-9af7-7f33e712b83e-joomla-toolkit
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