Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
Please write in English so that voters from all over the world can read and support your request.
Off-topic posts will be removed from here
474 results found
Server Health: Show Apache CPU Usage per domain
It is difficult to identify the offending website, and this would help tracking it down
1,120 votesThe first version of the Repair Kit extension is available! :)
If you’ve already tried the extension, please, participate in the survey, it will only take 3-5 minutes: https://goo.gl/forms/3SFbYvthRSGrvKc03
Also, welcome to our forum: https://talk.plesk.com/threads/repair-kit-extension.349959/. Your feedback will be appreciated.
Added on 18 Jan, 2021
This functionality is also now available in the latest version of the Advanced Monitoring extension. We encourage you to check the implementation and let us know what you think.
Please visit the following forum thread to learn how to access the functionality: https://talk.plesk.com/threads/advanced-monitoring-extension-in-plesk.352727/post-888117
We would appreciate hearing your feedback on the implementation of this functionality. Thanks in advance!
— AY
Move domains between subscriptions
This is a feature that needs to be brought to the Plesk Control Panel.
This request has been outstanding since Plesk 10:
http://kb.parallels.com/en/113938This wasn't possible in Plesk 11.5.
http://kb.parallels.com/en/121606It still does not appear possible in Plesk 12.
At the very least, breaking a domain out into its own subscription would be a good first step.
Search words:
I cannot move domain to another subscription
move webspaces
move a domain within a multi-domain subscription
multi-domain subscription
migration manager
transfer a domain
separate subscription
split subscription
break out domain from subscription1,108 votesIt’s done!
We’re happy to announce that Plesk Obsidian RTM with this feature is now available! Refer to Release Notes for the instructions: https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/administrator-guide/website-management/websites-and-domains/domains-and-dns/adding-and-removing-domains.65150/#moving-domains.We would appreciate hearing your feedback on the implementation of this functionality. If you’ve already tried the feature, please, participate in a short survey, it will only takes 3-5 minutes: https://pt-research.typeform.com/to/fz3KnI
We’d like to thank everyone who commented on this request and provided invaluable feedback. Thanks!
— ZB
Add support for net core 3.0 for linux and windows plesk
Net core can run applications on windows and linux with a short configurations . Please add support to both OS
1,100 votesThe production version of the .NET extension is available https://www.plesk.com/extensions/dot-net/
Multiple backup rules or more options
At this moment, you can set only 1 rule to make backups (daily, weekly, or monthly). My idea is to make multiple backup rules (ex. which daily backups should be deleted) or simply make more backup options.
I want to make daily backup and delete every older than 2 days, except one day of the week and one day of the month.ex interface:
Make [daily/weekly/monthly] backup and keep only:
[n] daily backups (enabled only for daily backups)
[n] weekly backups (enabled for daily and weekly backups)
[n] monthly backups (enabled for daily, weekly and monthly backups)So, if…
1,086 votesI'm glad to inform you that the request is completed and available since Plesk Obsidian 18.0.55
We have finished our big pack of Backup improvements for the scheduler to establish a more flexible backup policy:
- Multiple backup schedules with different destination for each schedule at once to get a flexible and robust backup policy. User can keep, for example, hourly backups locally and weekly backups to cloud or FTP. Establishing multiple backup schedules at once is a part of a license to the Backup to Cloud Pro extension. The extension is included already to Plesk Hosting Pack.
Customer email notification when mailbox quota exceeded
It would be a very useful feature to have an email automatically injected to a customers mailbox when their quota is close to the limit and another when the mailbox quota has been exceeded with advice (customisable) on how to resolve the problem.
Sometimes clients are unaware/forget their quota and if accessing via outlook/smartphone etc they are not aware of the limit being reached. This can result in several days without emails or emails being rejected with a "mailbox full" autoresponder. Ironically this means anyone sending emails to the client are aware the mailbox is full but the client is…
936 votesGood news everyone!
This functionality was added in Plesk for Linux Obsidian RTM release. We suggest you upgrade to the latest version and check it out.
AA -
Block the IP of the selected country in Firewall
Firewall should be able to block the IP of the selected country. I have a lot of traffic from the IP 5.10. *. *
714 votesThis functionality was added in Plesk 18.0.52 ( https://docs.plesk.com/release-notes/obsidian/change-log/#plesk-18052 ). We suggest you to update to Plesk 18.0.52 and check it out.
The feature is based on ipsets and works out of the box.
By default, the feature uses the free version of the DB-IP geolocation database, but also supports MaxMind DB's.
Feel free to share your feedback at at http://talk.plesk.com. --AA
make SSL Certificates for mail services manageable from Plesk
To change SSL certs for mail services one has to manually change at least three files: (depending on system e.g.)
/usr/share/pop3d.pemThis is very confusion and not very usable, esp. as there are already a number of SSL ways to set certificates in Plesk (per domain, per ID, for the panel, as std. for all domains, ...)
This could be streamlined and a simple tickbox, like 'Set this certificate for mail services' would make the life of administrators much easier!
683 votesWe’re happy to announce that this feature is now available in Plesk Onyx, which was released recently for early adopters. You can try Plesk Onyx here: https://www.plesk.com/onyx/
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum: https://talk.plesk.com/forums/plesk-onyx.744/
Thank you!
add HTTP/3
635 votesWe are happy to announce that HTTP/3 support is now available in Plesk Obsidian 18.0.61 (https://docs.plesk.com/release-notes/obsidian/change-log/#plesk-18061). We suggest you update to Plesk 18.0.61 and check it out.
You can find additional information at https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/administrator-guide/80026/.
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum: https://talk.plesk.com/threads/http-3-supported-by-plesk.352979/
— AY
Change admin username
It should be possible for the admin user to change his user login name. The name "admin" is not very secure, because it's easiert to hack via brute force. The hackers know, the name is "admin". If the user would be able to change his login name, it would increase the security of Plesk Panel.
561 votesGreat news! The "admin" username can be changed to an arbitrary name since Plesk 18.0.57, published November 21st, 2023. Please see instructions how to do it here: https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/administrator-guide/plesk-administration/securing-plesk/changing-the-plesk-administrator-username.80021/
-- PD
Incremental backup
Many files are rarely changing on a usual site. So backing up only changed files might make backup process much faster.
546 votesThis functionality is now available in Plesk 12.5 preview. Please visit the following forum threads to learn how to access Plesk 12.5 preview:
http://forum.odin.com/threads/plesk-12-5-preview-feedback-thread.332550We would appreciate hearing your feedback on implementation of this functionality. Thanks in advance!
Limit resources per user
As the title says, plesk panel should be able to limit these resources, for example, per system user.
RAM, CPU (%/cores), Maximum Processes per user-->including a automatic banning solution
(cpanel has this functionality)
488 votesWe’re happy to announce that this feature is now available in Plesk Onyx, which was released recently for early adopters. You can try Plesk Onyx here: https://www.plesk.com/onyx/
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum: https://talk.plesk.com/forums/plesk-onyx.744/
Thank you!
Use "Let's encrypt" to secure IMAP/POP/SMTP connections
Use "Let's encrypt" to secure IMAP/POP/SMTP connections to avoid "non valid certificate" messages with self signed certs.
468 votesAvailable since SSL It! 1.2.0: https://ext.plesk.com/packages/3c4117f6-c05c-4d3b-9173-60f10096a9c4-sslit
Note that SNI for Mail is available since Plesk Obsidian, and only for MailEnable and Postfix+Dovecot (at that old OSes aren’t supported).
— rk
Sogo Webmail
Add Sogo as a webmail alternative in Plesk.
Sogo share your calendars, address books and mails in your community with a completely free and open source solution
Sogo is a great webmail solution and provides native Microsoft ActiveSync support. Mobile devices such as Apple iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry 10 can fully synchronize emails, contacts, events and tasks with SOGo.
452 votesThe new SOGo Webmail extension is available, it can be installed Plesk Obsidian 18.0.48+. We encourage you to check the implementation and let us know what you think. Please visit the following forum thread to get more details: https://talk.plesk.com/threads/new-plesk-webmail-sogo-webmail-extension.367570/.
— AY
Support for HTTP Strict Transport Security / HSTS
I'm wondering if Plesk also will implent HTTP Strict Transport (or HSTS) Security in the GUI. It's an extra layer of security for sites who need to be extra secure.
It's being done with a special header (mod_headers for Apache) and a TLS connection. The client (browser) can then verify if the server is the real server and not a man-in-the-middle server/attack.
It's as simple as adding the following code to the vhost config (HTTPS only!):
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"Nginx:
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains";441 votesHi!
The functionality is now available in the SSL It! Plesk Extension: https://ext.plesk.com/packages/3c4117f6-c05c-4d3b-9173-60f10096a9c4-sslit
How to find it:
1. install SSL It! Extension (it’s available for Plesk 17.8+)
2. go to > SSL/TLS Certificates
3. if there is no SSL Certificate installed on the domain – issue one (using, for example, free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate)
4. if an SSL Certificate is installed on the domain, there is a switcher HSTS, turn it on
5. Voila!We would appreciate hearing your feedback on the implementation of this functionality. Thanks in advance!
436 votes
We’re happy to announce that DKIM support is now available in Plesk Onyx, which was released recently for early adopters. You can try Plesk Onyx here: https://www.plesk.com/onyx/
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum: https://talk.plesk.com/forums/plesk-onyx.744/
We’re closing this request since DKIM support is completed. We have also created a separate request for DMARC. If you need DMARC support, please vote for it here: https://plesk.uservoice.com/forums/184549-feature-suggestions/suggestions/16693207-dmarc-support
Thank you!
Lets Encrypt Certificate for Mailserver and Webmail.
As descriebed earlier
431 votesFully completed since SSL It! 1.2.0: https://ext.plesk.com/packages/3c4117f6-c05c-4d3b-9173-60f10096a9c4-sslit
Note that SNI for Mail is available since Plesk Obsidian, and only for MailEnable and Postfix+Dovecot (at that old OSes aren’t supported).
Webmail securing is available since Plesk Onyx.
Smarthost/External SMTP
It would be nice to have an external SMTP (smarthost) ability for a per-domain basis (most mail services have this)
We use this for external scanning, data leak prevention and more.
Can this be be done?
420 votesHi everyone,
I am glad to inform you that starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, it is now possible to configure Smarthost/relayhost on a server level in Tools & Settings > Smarthost.
However, while most of the feedback we received indicates that the current solution is good enough in resolving the pain point, there are some of our users who would like to be able to enable Smarthost on a per domain basis.
While providing an ability to configure multiple similar Smarthosts for different domains might be complicated, considering the technical stack we are working with (Windows & Linux, Postfix & MailEnable & SmarterMail), we can provide an ability to configure one Smarthost as a Plesk admin and give the possibility to enable this specific Smarthost for particular domains without enabling it serverwide.
In order to gather the feedback & votes specifically from the people who needs this exact functionality,…
Add Fail2ban as module for Plesk
Add fail2ban as module in Plesk to protect better the server.
412 votesSince this function is available for preview in Plesk 12.0 for 3 months already and very soon will become publicly available, we are marking this request as closed.
You can
- learn further details at Release Notes http://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/PP12/12.0/release-notes/parallels-plesk-panel-12.0-for-linux.html
- download Plesk 12.0 and review this function in details https://sp.parallelsnetwork.com/parallels-plesk-panel-12-partner-preview/ (sign up required)
- join the preview conversation at
http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?294313-Plesk-12-0-Preview&p=716585#post716585If you have already tried Fail2ban in Plesk 12.0
please tell us your opinion in https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yb8PGkDiBzz0RNuAQIKxo6yjzusJ4YKXq4pTaq_kZlA/viewform?usp=send_formThank you very much
Limit outgoing mail messages
Please add new feature to limit the number of outgoing emails Yes this is a very bad that we cannot limit outgoing emails!
One of our hosting customers was a spammer. Because of their spamming our IP was blacklisted.
We removed the blacklist and suspended the spammer, but during that time our other customers were very upset, their emails weren't being received...and new customers of ours couldn't receive download letters sent from us, it was a terrible problem! Then they would complain but support tickets weren't received, either!
Parallels, please add a feature (like cPanel) where we can limit…
401 votesSince this function is available for preview in Plesk 12.0 for 3 months already and very soon will become publicly available, we are marking this request as closed.
If you have already tried the function, please tell us your opinion https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bpPa-PNixKKc9spNJmJ82kLTwySlmQPYYHedIHebUSk/viewform?usp=send_form
If not yet tried, you can
- learn further details at Release Notes http://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/PP12/12.0/release-notes/parallels-plesk-panel-12.0-for-linux.html
- download Plesk 12.0 and review this function in details https://sp.parallelsnetwork.com/parallels-plesk-panel-12-partner-preview/ (sign up required)
- join the preview conversation at
http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?294313-Plesk-12-0-Preview&p=716585#post716585 -
Fully support in Plesk for DNSSEC
400 votesWe’re happy to announce that this feature is now available in Plesk Onyx, which was released recently for early adopters. You can try Plesk Onyx here: https://www.plesk.com/onyx/
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum: https://talk.plesk.com/forums/plesk-onyx.744/
Thank you!
- Don't see your idea?