Add to Server-Wide Black List and White List block by IP adress and DOMAIN name.
Server-Wide Black List blocking only by domain name is insufficient, because spammers can spoof real sender adress. Not every sender has SPF record configured. And also email White List needs whitelist by domain name to block common spammers with no fixed IP.
Michael Gabriel commented
the current email blacklist is basically useless cause it uses check_sender_access to block emailadresses.
it should be using check_client_access to block actual spamming hosts and not emailadresses.
also the current blacklist needs an option to add a comment and preferably a date added field. -
Plesk Tech Support commented
Right now it is only possible to add emails addresses to the White/Black lists in SpamAssassin. Possibility to add IP addresses would help a lot. -
[Deleted User] commented
I am using Linux Plesk and I need to have several spam e-mails blocked at the server mailbox.
The spam e-mails are received from certain IP addresses and ranges of it such as 123.456.7.0/16 or 123.456.7.0.24 I require this ability for rejecting these e-mails. -
Robert commented
Some years later, this problem still exits. You cannot add an IP address, nor can you add a domain. It doesn't accept it?
Deepak M commented
serverwide mail setting we can only add ip in whitelist not domain name
at user level we can add domain in individual domain settings -
Deepak M commented
As of now Tools & Settings => Mail Server Settings => Blacklist we can only add domain name but can't add IP addres. Where as in white list we can add IP address but not domain names
Actulally in both we should be able to add IP address as well as domain name
If there is hugh traffic coming from particular IP address then then admin need to block IP address. Also if sender is genuine and admin want to whitelist particular domain in white there should be option
Keeping only one option in whitelist and black list does not solve purpose fully