I'm using Horde email, why do I have to log into my mail account every day?
I'm using Horde email, why do I have to log into my mail account every day? Can Plesk have an option to allow my email web page to be open every day for a month or two? I use Yahoo email, and it will stay signed in for months, as long as I don't clear my browser cache. Why can't Horde email do the same thing?
Note, only feature requests allowed here. If you have a question – please contact Plesk Support Team or community at https://talk.plesk.com
As for your question, please look at https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006924113-How-to-adjust-session-timeout-in-Horde-webmail-on-a-Plesk-for-Linux-server
Mike commented
Thank you for the link. I really appreciate this.