Add two score thresholds to spamassassin
If the spam score is above the first threshhold, flag the message as spam or deliver it to Spam folder;
Reject it immediately (preferably during the SMTP session) or just discard if the score is above the second, higher threshold.
This way the customer would have more control over the anti-spam system, allowing much less true spam mail to enter the mailbox.

Marco commented
Will be useful also a field where write custom error to user like: Message rejected for spam. For support visit helpdesk.domain.ext/spam-article
Marco commented
Kai Dold commented
Set an option (serverwide) to delete spam above score (for examplfe 25) to get rid of 30%-40% of spam volume.
Stephan Schröder commented
discard is not possible because of legal rules.
If the mail is accepted, I have to deliver it.
At least in Europe.Therefore ALWAYS Reject
hansitheking commented
It would be nice to have an option to just reject SPAM which was detected by SpaAssassin.
G J Piper commented
Yes this would be useful to run a filter for the whole server at a much higher threshold to delete uncontested spam, then allow the user settings to have lower configurable thresholds for individual filtering as normal.
Andi Herzig commented
Yes, this would be very useful! I tried to reach the same by using "header_checks" by postfix, but postfix runs "header_checks" before plesk's spamassassin processes mail. so there is no any "X-Spam-* headers at the moment, headers are checked :-(