Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
Please write in English so that voters from all over the world can read and support your request.
Off-topic posts will be removed from here
67 results found
Add the ability to make a redirect from a website secured by Let's Encrypt to the same website but with another language
The use case is the following:
1. There is a example.com which uses load balancer
2. There are serveral versions of the same website with different localization. example.fi, example.ru e.t.c.
3. example.com is secured with Let's encrypt.
4. Creating redirect using .htaccess
as a summary: to have this feature in one click, for example as onother hosting type.1 voteThis request has nothing to do with SSL. It is about localization websites and redirecting from one website to another in dependence of a language information, e.g. the user's preferred browser language, or geolocation. Such redirects are not the task of a web server control panel, but typical website script tasks, e.g. when a shop website identifies the country a user is from and forwards him to the correct websites servicing that country.
-- PD
Add subdomain/alias directly to primary website binding
I would like to be able to add the subdomain or alias directly to the primary websites binding rather than having to create a separate website and application pool which uses more resources on the server.
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information was provided for over a month.
IG -
php 5.3 A version we use and I would like it to be added.
php 5.3 - 5.6 version we use and I would like it to be added.
1 voteWe do not use third-party software that, according to the vendor’s lifecycle, is marked as EOLed and unsupported: https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php
IG -
Add the option to bind Vhost to custom Apache ports so that accessing example.com:8081 the request will bypass nginx
Sometimes it is required process the request via a usual Apache+nginx setup (ports 80/443+7080/7081) and at the same time to send a new request to a custom Apache ports e.g. 8081/44381 so when entering example.com:8081 the requests will bypass nginx and will be processes only by Apache.
So in this scenario re-binding the ports is not enough, we need to have the default ones plus the custom ones.1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information was provided for over a month.
IG -
Server Side Google Analytics integration
Google has introduced the possibility of integrating Google Analytics at the server level.
Such integration gives more accurate data. AdBlocker for browser cannot block server-side tracking. The tracking code also loads faster.
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information was provided for over a month.
IG -
Assign a domain to users so that they do not have access to all site/email accounts
Assign a domain to users so that they do not have access to all site/email accounts
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information was provided for over a month.
IG -
uninstall pleskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
uninstal plesk! plesk send me spam email every day! ******* stupid ! uninstall it !
1 voteSorry, but we can’t consider it as a feature request. So, closed.
IG -
Hire professionals to manage your application
Worst web hosting service. Are guys hiring interns to develop and manage Plesk? The basic features like upload and download is not happening
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Import ordinary websites in the Web Presence Builder
Opportunity to import ordinary websites to edit them in Web Presence Builder.
1 voteWe do not plan on introducing major changes to Web Presence Builder at the moment.
IG -
1 vote
Unfortunately, we were unable to translate your request to English, so we have to close this request. Try voting for a similar request in English language or file your request in English, so that everyone can vote for it.
IG -
disable ASP.NET Core on service plan in Plesk
It is possible to disable support of ASP.NET on service plan level.
It would be nice to be able to manage ASP.NET Core support on service plan level.1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Report automation for website statistics
Allow users to automate reports for website statistics.
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Creat a button which immediately refreshes a website after edited changes
Creat a button which immediately refreshes a website after edited changes
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Integrat Google Photo instead of Picasa into web site photo galery module
It would be nice if user can choose Google Photo as a sourse of photo in photo gallery module. So far the only possible there is Web Presence which doesn't support albums and Picasa which doesn't work anymore.
1 voteSorry, but we do not plan on introducing major changes to Web Presence Builder at the moment.
IG -
The ability to video streaming
It is required to stream video on my site. It would be nice to have such feature.
I can see similar request here
https://plesk.uservoice.com/forums/184549-feature-suggestions/suggestions/4226312-include-a-plugin-o-module-for-video-streaming1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Please include a builder of webpages because our hosting services doesn't allow update of wordpress due to the version of the php protocol.
Please include a builder of webpages because our hosting services doesn't allow update of wordpress due to the version of the php protocol.
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Allow special characters in custom Document root folder for the website
Allow special characters like "~" or "%" in custom Document root folder for the website
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Compression Tool and API
Please provide a Best Free Compression Tool/API for all types of documents like image/pdf etc as a service for website development.
1 voteThank you for your input!
Unfortunately, we have to close your request because it has not become quite popular for further implementation over the years.
1 vote
Upd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Please provide access to the bizhostnet.com domain renewal page via email or send me a code so I can transfer the domain.
Please provide access to the bizhostnet.com domain renewal page via email or send me a code so I can transfer the domain to someone other than bizhostnet.com. The renew order link you are sending via email does not work and the account link within http://www.bizhostnet.com/login.php does not work either! WTF?
1 voteTo solve your issue, please contact your hosting provider (the company that hosts your website) and request support from them directly. We are the authors of the software you and your hosting provider are using, and unfortunately, we cannot help with this particular request because we do not host your website. We are closing your request as it doesn’t include any software improvement proposal.
- Don't see your idea?