Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
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2 results found
Implement feature to use WordPress' wp-cli in chroot shell
It should be possible to use the WordPress commandline tool "wp-cli" via chrooted-shell.
62 votesWe don't think running wp-cli in a chroot shell is enough -- so in addition to this we're adding the ability to run wp-cli directly from WP Toolkit interface in the upcoming WPT v6.7 update.
remove/update the app options (wikis, CMS, bulletin boards, Squirrelmail etc)
These are so out of date as to be seriously vulnerable, with versions that mostly cannot be readily installed without installing PHP version 7.0 and (often) to add in the mysql module to PHP even if you are using that.
These options should be removed unless it can be upgraded to the latest versions of PHP and the mysql module added to PHP - at the very least something on the page BEFORE installation saying that this will require outdated and unsupported versions of PHP and any additional modules so people
a) know the dangers and also
b) so they…3 votesThank you for your input and consideration for keeping Plesk and its users safe. We are aware that the catalogue is currently outdated. The APS technology itself is outdated. Plesk is currently in the process of replacing the old catalog system with a new extension.
-- SH
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