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  1. Hi there, can you help me to change my login data? Please send me your e-mail-adress to Thank You.  ·  not a feature

  2. I'd like to get a button to logout. I can't, because you programmed big ****, so I have to clear the cookies. There's NO dropdown menu !  ·  declined

  3. HI, sir/madam we from we have created tickets from 3/9/15 and facing http: 403 modsecurity error. & session out pr  ·  declined

  4. Creating Virtual FTP users with Plesk instead of Hardcoding ProFTPD  ·  already available

  5. Exclude selected email accounts from backups  ·  open discussion

  6. i have a problem  ·  not a feature

  7. to check if sending email-addresses (mailbox-user) are existing on my server  ·  declined

  8. Adding a new font  ·  declined

  9. Delete the link button  ·  declined

  10. Update phpMyAdmin 4.8.5 due to MySQL security issue  ·  completed

  11. Ability to track number of simultaneous connections to the MySQL  ·  open discussion

  12. Remove one customer content from the main plesk backup  ·  declined

  13. Improve speed of Migration Manager re-sync process  ·  open discussion

  14. Allow mailbox storage pool creating  ·  declined

  15. store customers and resellers data on different disks depending on the amount of space

  16. add ChatGPT-4 to support plesk in various tasks ,  ·  declined

  17. Ignore calculating statistics directory email on root  ·  declined

  18. Allow the recipients of an email sent through a mailing list to the sender as the email that used the mailing list  ·  declined

  19. multiple mysql instances  ·  declined

  20. Automated creation of Customer  ·  declined

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