Change (or add option to select) value that is used for the customer’s account root
Currently, when a subscription is created and the customer adds new domains, the following physical structure is created on a server:
where primary.domain is the primary domain of the subscription and new.domain is another domain, created by the customer.
Sometimes, in this scenario, a number of new domains created by the customer might be quite big, so physical structure becomes something like this:
In these circumstances, when the primary domain's name is changed, for example:
primary.domain changed to newprimary.domain so physical structure is changed to C:\vhosts\newprimary.domain*
There is a lot of data that has to be updated in Plesk database and IIS (new locations have to be applied to every domain, every user etc). This process takes some noticeable amount of time depending on the number of domains. This might be especially important when changes are made through API, since response time is quite long.
Here is the following suggestion on the improvement:
A customer sets up an account with a primary domain primary.domain, and a “account root” id of “x31430a42” is associated to the account [the x is purely to ensure that this value does not start with a number]
a. “C:\vhosts\x31430a42\primary.domain is created
b. The IIS website “primary.domain” is created and configured to point to C:\vhosts\x31430a42\primary.domain\
2) A second domain is created called “new.domain”
a. “C:\vhosts\x31430a42\new.domain is created
b. The IIS website “new.domain” is created and configured to point to C:\vhosts\x31430a42\httpdocs
3) Repeat step 2 200 more times
a. Each folder path is created, and IIS sites are created and pointed to the relevant folder
4) Change the primary domain to “newprimary.domain”
a. Impact 1: only the impacted site “” gets change from C:\vhosts\x31430a42\primary.domain to C:\vhosts\x31430a42\newprimary.domain
b. Impact 2: the only update to IIS would be to update the primary.domain site to reflect the change to newprimary.domain (updated settings to reflect the new name and new file path)
This will reduce the amount of data to-be-updated and increase process efficiency.

Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.