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  1. Add third party installations, paths/directories to your plesk backup  ·  declined

  2. Resellers service plans: Hiding resources that are not allocated to them  ·  declined

  3. Event manager: Add a hook before an event is processed  ·  open discussion

  4. distupgrade for Debian and Ubuntu (i.e. Debian Squeeze to Debian Wheezy)  ·  completed

  5. Email Monitoring System  ·  declined

  6. Allow the automatic installation of Session state database structure in an user DB from Plesk Panel for Windows GUI  ·  declined

  7. Limit rate of backup  ·  open discussion

  8. SSL Cert for a Domain with 301/302 redirect  ·  already available

  9. Better Database Server Assignment / Visibility  ·  open discussion

  10. Add all PHP-FPM versions to watchdog when installed  ·  declined

  11. Offer proper sftp support through mysecureshell  ·  open discussion

  12. Reload PHP-FPM only once with `/usr/local/psa/bin/php_settings -u` (Plesk 12.5)  ·  declined

  13. Cloud storage extension for Plesk  ·  declined

  14. Hide "Location of the website's files" field when there is just one subscription.

  15. Add support for djbdns / tinydns  ·  open discussion

  16. Site Builder 4.5.9 for Linux and ProFTPd 1.3.5 (#PPB-4351)  ·  completed

  17. This is why I see that --no-zip doesn’t work in the right way, is not useful that Plesk use a switch like --no-zip and the destination direc  ·  declined

  18. add backup password protection to Backup Manager Backups ( doesn't have it at the mo)  ·  planned

  19. Implement VersionPress as part of your WordPress Toolkit. It uses WP-Cli and is Open Source.

  20. Add customization option for "Configure Email Client" window  ·  completed

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