SSL Cert for a Domain with 301/302 redirect
Currently, we can't create a SSL certificate with SSLIt/Let's Encrypt for a domain, when this same domain redirects to another.
For example, if I redirect to, and I want to create a certificate for, I get the following error :
Invalid response from https:/ : "404 Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server."
The problem is that the check is made on the target domain, and not the domain in Plesk, because even the .well-known/acme-challenge gets forwarded.
For now, we are using this workaround (please see attached file)
But we think that Plesk should exclude the .well-known/acme-challenge folder when a 301/302 redirect is enabled, so that Let's Encrypt verification succeeds.
-- PD
Benoît commented
I've contacted Plesk support :
It just seems that Nginx is needed to do this, too bad this info is not showed on Plesk web-UI.
But happy to be able to do this now -
Benoît commented
Already available ?
Some explanations could be welcome...Since this feature suggestion was created, some things have changed and the option to create a certificate is no more showed when domain is set with forwarding hosting type...
Jason commented
This is a normal scenario to setup Forwarding Domains which have their own SSL. This should be straight forward without a bunch of hacking and tricks..
Ma Sc commented