@Sergey & Jake Why isn't the fact thats its a free AV not a good argument. If thats not an argument u could ask thousands of dollars for one single plesk licence or an antivirus module. We got a bussiness to run. Mine is small, so i need to keep the costs low, to make some profit.
Not only is ClamAv free, its fast, reliable, its widely used, well documentated, known and used by a huge group. Due that de current AV is IMO pretty expensive compared to my monthly costs of a full managementpanel: plesk (im a very small businessuser). Cause of this reason, me and many others with me use ClamAv. Integration with Plesk would save this big group of customers a lot of time. I think cause of this reason its in te top 10 of features requests. Besides, other panels have it, why shouldn't plesk have it?
@Sergey & Jake Why isn't the fact thats its a free AV not a good argument. If thats not an argument u could ask thousands of dollars for one single plesk licence or an antivirus module. We got a bussiness to run. Mine is small, so i need to keep the costs low, to make some profit.
Not only is ClamAv free, its fast, reliable, its widely used, well documentated, known and used by a huge group. Due that de current AV is IMO pretty expensive compared to my monthly costs of a full managementpanel: plesk (im a very small businessuser). Cause of this reason, me and many others with me use ClamAv. Integration with Plesk would save this big group of customers a lot of time. I think cause of this reason its in te top 10 of features requests. Besides, other panels have it, why shouldn't plesk have it?