Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
Please write in English so that voters from all over the world can read and support your request.
Off-topic posts will be removed from here
145 results found
Extensions show which versions of Plesk they currently run on without clicking on them.
Extensions display which versions of Plesk & OS they currently run on without clicking on them. If the list is shorter, maybe indicate which OS or version of Plesk they don't currently work with. For example if considering jumping to Plesk Obsidian on CentOS 8, from 7.x, it becomes significantly easier to determine if a plugin currently in use is available on the intended platform.
1 voteDuring 3 years this request only received 1 vote. It did not become popular. For that reason we must decline it.
-- PD
Configure LDAP-Auth extension settings via CLI
We are deploying multiple servers with LDAP-Auth and we want to automatize the configuration of the LDAP-Auth extension but currently, this extension doesn't provide this possibility via CLI, it can only be configured via Plesk GUI.
1 voteI’d suggest you open issue on Github of this extension here https://github.com/plesk/ext-ldap-auth
IG -
Install zoneminder from Plesk
It is not possible to install Zoneminder via Plesk https://zoneminder.com/
It would be nice to have such feature1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
to be able to have a billing section and store invoices in .pdf format
to be able to have a billing section and store invoices in .pdf format
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
View the output of PHP Composer.
I want the output of PHP Composer to be displayed.
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Extensions for internet service providers (providers of internet and telephone) not just web hosting
Extensions for internet service providers (providers of internet and telephone) not just web hosting
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Manage fail2ban notifications
Allow to enable/disable email notifications from Fail2ban. A toggle in Tools&Settings > Fail2Ban > Jails > Per jail setting; or global at Tools&Settings > Fail2Ban > Settings.
As of now, this is not possible even from CLI.1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Implement the support of AWS Load Balancer functionality at Plesk
It will be great if the support of AWS Load Balancer functionality at Plesk will be implemented
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
I will need Plestashop application under my extension suit
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
I'd love to be able to compile my SASS files directly using the plesk interface. Maybe plesk could provide an extension for that.
1 voteAt the moment we have no plans for creation extension for SASS. But you can create it by yourself with help of this documentation https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/extensions-guide/plesk-extensions-in-a-nutshell.76331/
IG -
Possibility to add more DNSBLs in Plesk Email Security
Possibility to add more DNSBLs
2 votesUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
A utility to be able to see FTP and Email passwords as the ADMIN
AS the admin we manage 100's of websites. Clients lose their FTP and email passwords on a regular basis. It would be nice to have a secure Admin Only Access to look up passwords for different accounts.
Power-Toys used to do this clean and quickly but they no longer support later versions of Plesk so useless and leaves us as the Host lost on how to help our hosting clients properly.
We use a managed VPS for our hosting and don't have Shell Access
1 voteBuild, Secure, Run - with a lot of effort going into "Secure". Plesk will never make any compromises in security and will not reveal passwords. For that reason we must decline this request.
-- PD
tool for Webdev21 install with necessaries Servers (PC Soft)
A good idea to set a tool for Webdev 21 installation (and all components like apps server, HFSQL server, etc...) on Windows Server.
Actualy this install is difficult on Windows server (see pdf file), maybe impossible when Plesk is installed...
Note that the pdf help file is about Webdev 17 and Win Server 2008, but it's the same to-do for laters versions...
For more informations about webdev, see PC Soft Web site...
Thank's !1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Disable Google Authenticator when "plesk login" is used
Please add an option into Google Authenticator extension which disable the 2FA when logging using the generated link "plesk login".
1 voteWith only 1 vote in 3 years this request did not become popular. We must decline it.
-- PD
Add placeholders for ImunifyAV notifications
As well as in the suggestion: https://plesk.uservoice.com/forums/184549-feature-suggestions/suggestions/38754142-manage-placeholders-of-extension-notifications it would be useful to add the ability to manage ImunifyAV extension notifications by adding different placeholders such as:
{{ domain_name }}
{{ domain }}
etc1 voteFor this feature please contact ImunifyAV extension vendor – https://plesk.revisium.com/support/
IG -
Calendar Extension
Add a CalDav Calender Server with WebCalendar and Share
4 votesThere are no plans that Plesk will provide this extension, because it is not about controlling a service on the server. But Plesk features a free extension API where you can add functions to Plesk yourself: https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/extensions-guide/plesk-extensions-in-a-nutshell.76331/
-- PD
joomla-toolkit-2.4.0-279 on plesk 17
1 voteUpd: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.
IG -
Merhaba help
Merhaba tekrardan Plesk neden litespeed kurulmuyor Server Management / Extensions / Add Extension secenek olması gerekirken neden eklenmiyor istedigimiz bir uzantı ben litespeed kurmak istiyorum eklemek istiyorum fakat eklemek icin yer yok add butonu kaldırırmış kenddi yaptıgımız hiç bişey eklenmiyor hep paralı ben yakında lisans iptal etdiricegim plesk bırakıcam sonunda hiç bişey düzgün gitmiyor litespeed kurulmuyor ngixt kurulmuyor hiç bişey kurulmuyor bunlar acil olarak cözüm olması gerekir herşey paralı siz wp speed koymuşsunuz paralı biz kendi yapdıgımı calıştırmak istiyoruz iyi geceler
1 voteUnfortunately, we were unable to translate your request to English, so we have to close this request. Try voting for a similar request in English language or file your request in English, so that everyone can vote for it.
IG -
Update bundle version of the Ruby via interface
Would be amazing to be possible to update the Ruby bundler directly via the interface for a specific Ruby version.
4 votesAlthough we had merged this request with another to accumulate more votes, it did not become popular. For that reason we must decline it.
-- PD
Is it possible to add tiki wiki as an installable app??
MediaWiki is cool and all - but TikiWiki is more intuitive and easy to maintain etc. Can this be added to our available apps?
2 votesAt the moment, no changes are planned to the APS catalog inventory. Instead, please try the Softaculous extension from where you can install many more apps.
-- PD
- Don't see your idea?