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123 results found

  1. Set a permitted time period to the customers to schedule their backups

    Add the ability to restrict customers to schedule their backups only during a specific time.

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  2. Allow Customers to create scheduled website database dumps on their own

    At the moment, Customer accounts in Plesk can create database dumps manually, however they do not have the necessary access to schedule the specific creation of such website database dumps.

    That task is also not possible via a cron job, because the mysqldump command requires root access, which the Customer account does not possess.

    Website database dumps can be created only manually via the Plesk GUI while using the steps in the article.

    It would e very helpful to include the ability to create scheduled website database dumps while logged in as a Customer.

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  3. include panel.ini in server backups

    The idea behind this feature is to have the panel.ini configuration file included in server backups, allowing it to be restored if it's accidentally modified or an issue occurs. Saving time and if the changes are not remembered fully.

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  4. Add backup restore (sw-tar) multithreading

    Plesk uses its internal sw-tar program for unpacking backups, which currently lacks multithreading support. This results in a significantly slower recovery process when handling a large number of files or large data volumes.

    Given the continuously growing data volumes and increasing file sizes, it is time to implement this feature.

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  5. Improve the Backup Manager for when it freezes or aborts when using S3/Scaleway

    Plesk should have a native mechanism to detect when a backup job is stuck; helping to manage backups more efficiently without relying on manual intervention.

    Plesk should allow backups to automatically resume from the point where they fail, rather than starting from the beginning; saving time and resources, especially for large backups.

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  6. Adhoc Backup Location

    When using the Plesk mobile application please provide an ability to put an adhoc backup to a defined location, rather than allowing the backup to reside in the default location of the active databases.

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  7. MIgration of Backups to Cheaper Alternatives

    While you provide the ability to backup to different locations, whether on local disk, FTP, SMB share, or cloud you do not provide an ability to migrate backups through the tiers. First off local disk is the most expensive and you should only keep a small subset of backups. After that there should be an ability to migrate those backups to cheaper alternatives, like S3 storage, while continuing to preserve the metadata.

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  8. Provide option to preserve or restore cron jobs upon backup restoration

    Currently a backup restoration will delete cron jobs created after the backup creation. There should be an option to backup/restore or preserve cron jobs as they are.

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  9. Restore all domains (subscriptions) from a full backup, avoiding emails and mailboxes

    Make it possible to restore all domains (subscriptions) from a full backup, avoiding emails and mailboxes.

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  10. Configure SFTP storage for backups via CLI

    Currently, the plesk bin backup-storage can be used to configure FTP remote storage for backups.

    Please implement a similar feature that would allow configuring SFTP remote storage for backups via CLI.

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  11. Allow separate locations for customer/server backups

    Add an option to store local backups created by customers in a different path than the ones created at the server level.

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  12. Plesk Backup & Restore IV - protocol functionality

    Plesk Backup & Restore IV

    I personally think it's better to save all backup logs in a MariaDB / mySQL database table so that I can search for problems there later. So searchable logs with timestamps and users per domain / all domains, sometimes also by topic such as "email" / "database" / "files" / "configuration"

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  13. Plesk Backup & Restore III - Wrong Option

    The output during import in any combination whether "database only", "files only", "configuration only" is really insufficient, no information is passed on, e.g. the individual steps mentioned above, when importing a "domain" the domains all run as above, but for which task and how far the individual task is completely missing. Perhaps the old progress bar should be kept and another one should be shown where the individual steps are carried out, the more details the better.

    At the end after the import, unfortunately you can only see the "date and time" and not what was imported at all. I'm…

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  14. Please Provide Better Notification Capabilities

    Plesk needs a full featured notification solution, so users can customize what notifications they want to see, from whatever service is running on Plesk. For example the Plesk backups only allow for notification if the backup fails. Why not have a notification for either situation, success or failure. This is what I am referring to when I say the notifications need to be more robust.

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  15. Backup and restorations should be noted in Plesk's Action log

    As the title says, in order to better understand what have happened in Plesk, Backups and restorations should also leave a note in the Action log for Admin to understand what has been done in Plesk.

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  16. Add a way to automatically restart scheduled backups in case they fail

    In case a scheduled backup fails, users have to wait until the next execution date. Please add a customizable timeframe for restarting a scheduled backup ahead of time in case the current execution has failed

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  17. Make it possible to create a backup on a NFS partition

    Make it possible to create a backup on a NFS partition

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  18. Database views should be saved and restored correctly

    Backup and restore does not work correctly when database contain views.

    This should be fixed.

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  19. Add Storage Location to DB Copy Functionality

    Currently the db copy functionality only allows for a default location that is where the db server is located. I would ask that you provide the ability to add a second predetermined location that is just a storage location and not associated with the db server. This allows us to keep the db server storage clean.

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  20. 3 votes

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