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711 results found

  1. Add IceWarp Mail Server

    Add support for external IceWarp mail server for Linux!

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  2. Mailqueue View Sender Account

    Show not only sender and reciepient email adress. Show the account (Email-Adress) of the authorized Sender. Would be a great feature, if a mail account was hacked. So you would not have to check mail logs.

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    0 comments  ·  Mail  ·  Admin →

    Could you please explain in more details what is usage scenario of adding this information? What is the case when you currently need to check this info in logs? Where specifically this account of authorized sender must be shown? And what you mean as “authorized sender”?

    UPD: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.


  3. After adding SSL certificate subscription is shown as locked

    Presently when you add a SSL certificate to the subscription it becomes locked, though there were no changes in comparison to the service plan.
    When you then click Unlock & Sync it becomes unlocked.

    The request is not to lock the subscription after SSL certificate additon.

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  4. Enable deletion of websites.

    How about being able to DELETE, as well as add websites! That is something that is a BASIC ESSENTIAL

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  5. Make it possible to download large backup files by clicking the green arrow in the backup list.

    Large backup files can not be downloaded since the browser needs to keep connection while the backup is prepared (copied from FTP, recompressed, etc.).

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  6. ACLs for Dovecot

    If Dovecot support ACLs for sharing mail folder, It is good mail server with OX Appsuite.

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    2 comments  ·  Mail  ·  Admin →
  7. Fix the bug in 11.5.30 that generates warnings on backups

    After upgrading to 11.5.30 my backups now generate warning emails. There are forum comments about this dating back to July 2013 but the issue doesn't appear to have been addressed....

    Failed to pack files dailyexample.comuser-data_1403160500 in /var/lib/psa/dumps/domains/ [ 3725971456 bytes free of 10737418240 bytes total on mount point 0]

    For security reason backup is performed on behalf of subscription system user. System user has no read access to conf file.

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  8. Loadbalancing

    Implement Load Balancer

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    Could you provide more details on how you see this function operated? There maybe different technologies beyond load balancing and they may have different requirements on your infrastructure

    UPD: Sorry, we are closing the request as no information were provided for over a month.

  9. Restore is very very difficult in plesk

    i tried so many time in restore the repository file in plesk, even one time also didn't get success.

    its very difficult to restore.

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  10. Setting up cron job is very difficult. I just do not configure

    Please improve this configuration ok thank you

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  11. When migrating to a pro license recreate customers with their domains

    When migrating a Reseller's customer the domains is re assigned to the administrator when source has a host license and target a pro license.

    In this scenario it would be nice to detach the customers from their resellers and create them on the target server with their domains.

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    0 comments  ·  Migrations  ·  Admin →
  12. a new version of Joomla

    Dear Madam, dear Sir,

    I use your software through my abo at Netcup.
    Please, could you propose a modern version of Joomla?
    Joomla no longer supports the one you have.
    Sincerely yours

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  13. Before suspension intimate the customer for the fault and give time to rectify.

    Before suspension intimate the customer for the fault and give time to rectify. so that the website be in running mode. if customer still not resolve problem in given period then suspend or disable the website.

    but your people just suspend or disabled the hosting or domain without intimating to customer that not good.

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    It became clear that this is not a feature request, but a complaint about the web hosting provider where you have hosted your site. Sorry to hear you are unhappy with your provider, but Plesk is not your provider, neither do we have any influence on how your provider acts. 

    -- PD

  14. Best practices to prevent website crashes

    What’s the best way to optimize our website to prevent crashes?

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    1 comment  ·  Web / PHP  ·  Admin →
  15. Plesk UI > Domain > domainname > Docker Proxy rules: add option to map several external ports (e.g.80 and 443) to ports of docker container

    Plesk UI > Domain > domainname > Docker Proxy rules: add option to map several external ports (e.g.80 and 443) to ports of docker container.

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    2 comments  ·  Docker  ·  Admin →
  16. Fix your Composer

    My clients websites are running PHP 5.6.x and 7.0.x.

    My clients have pushed me to work over new-year due to the dramatic change to PHP 7.x, but your system is still stuck in PHP 5.5 (possible since are not "4D thinkers" and leave Composer not working for us, that makes you the bottleneck, please fix it...

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    0 comments  ·  Web  ·  Admin →
  17. Over 250Mb of mail storage

    Over 250Mb of mail storage

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  18. manu

    Unable to import the EmroDB dump:
    Unable to restore database 'EmroDB'
    Not valid backup:
    The database was backed up on a server running version 12.00.2370. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version 11.00.5058. Either restore the database on a server that supports the backup, or use a backup that is compatible with this server.
    VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
    (Error code 22)

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    To solve your issue, please contact your hosting provider (the company that hosts your website) and request support from them directly. We are the authors of the software you and your hosting provider are using, and unfortunately we cannot help with this particular request, because we do not host your website. We are closing your request as it doesn’t include any software improvement proposal.


  19. mysql upgrade

    Hosting offer MySQL version 5.5.30..... Latest version is 5.7 !! and many apps require 5.5.31 as minimum.
    Please Upgrade it (or instruct how to do it myself)

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    0 comments  ·  Databases  ·  Admin →

    Plesk doesn’t ship MySQL, it only downloads it from original OS vendor repo and it is quite likely it may be outdated there.

    To solve your issue, please contact your hosting provider (the company that hosts your website) and request support from them directly. We are the authors of the software you and your hosting provider are using, and unfortunately, we cannot help with this particular request because we do not host your website.

    We are closing your request as it doesn’t include any software improvement proposal.

    — AY

  20. dnsmng --update should increase the zone serial number

    dnsmng --update should increase the zone serial number.
    Also, there should be a command/line way to re-generate all zones.

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    4 comments  ·  DNS  ·  Admin →

    Thank you for reporting this bug, we have confirmed it (bug ID for your reference: PPP-37247). Note: only feature requests are allowed here, so we would appreciate if you post bugs and issues on our forum at We are closing this request, since it does not contain any feature suggestions.

    The command `plesk repair dns -sync-zones` should help re-generate all zones.

    — AY

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