Add XML API operations to manage Backup Password and Scheduled Backup
Some useful functionalities of Backup in Web UI are not available in the XML API. Like configuring Password or Scheduled Backup. Those operations are at server level.
I think it would be useful to add the 4 following operations :
backup-manager / set-secure-backup-settings
backup-manager / get-secure-backup-settings
With attributes like :
- use-password-protection : boolean
- password : string
backup-manager / set-schedule-settings
backup-manager / get-schedule-settings
With attributes like :
- enable : boolean
- period : 86400 | 604800 |2592000
- hour : integer from 0 to 23
- minute : 0 | 15 | 30 |45
- use-incremental : boolean
- full-backup-period : 604800 | 2592000 | 31536000
- max-dump-files-unit : integer
- backup-content-mail : boolean
- backup-content-vhost : boolean
- repository : local | remote
- failure-notification : boolean
- failure-notification-email : string
- suspend : boolean
It can also be done by adding more attributes to existing operations.
For password, on xxx-remote-storage-settings.
For Scheduled Backup, on backup-server.

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Anonymous commented
Allow also to set the backup settings for the Remote Storage like: Amazon S3, Microsoft Onedrive, etc...
As of today, there's no valid way (API XML, Rest API, CLI) to do that.