Fix Fail2ban instability and enhance its features
Hey guys,
Really think you guys should fix fail2ban instability. For some reason its extremely slow and goes haywire when I add trusted ip's, disable and or enable fail2ban via plesk or command line. Sometimes fail2ban will halt or crash when doing any of the mentioned actions. Its a hit or miss, so we try not to modify it at all. Whenever we disable, stop, enable or add trusted IP's.. the system pauses on the command for a very LONG time to finish the action.
t would also be nice to enable permanent bans for any and all services. Overall, stability and more options for fail2ban would be great for Plesk Onyx. Otherwise, we are stuck on manually modifying iptables.
Thank you for reporting this bug, we need to know more about what goes wrong so we opened support ticket #2067743 for you with Plesk Support Team. Once they confirm there is a bug (or multiple bugs) they will investigate and file them them for Dev Team.
Note: only feature requests are allowed here, so we would appreciate if you post bugs and issues further on our forum at We are closing this request, since it does not contain any feature suggestions. Please open new request here with detailed with detailed explanation on “permanent bans for any and all services” and separate request for each other feature you would like Plesk Team to implement.
Webadmin commented
Thank you! Following up via email. Sorry for confusion, wasn't sure where to reach out with a proper solution.