Statistic usage per each page on website
I can see the bandwidth of each domain on my webserver. But now i came with the idea (I dont know if it was requested before, or if it is a feature of the web host edition only) that you can see the bandwidth each page uses, so you can see it for the whole domain, but also every page you have in your plesk folder, so you have a more detailed overview what people like to look at on your page.Maybe a calculator how many mb one user uses (there are tools on the web for this, but something integrated would be cool) could be very usefull. I apologise for my bad english. I hope those ideas can get added to Plesk, to make plesk way better for me! (I am using the web pro edition of plesk)
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
— AY