Show who last created, modified or deleted a file or directory (history)
We would to like a plugin to view who is the latest person with access to plesk or ftp that you have changed or modified files and keep a record of who has modified it, the date and time.
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
— AY
Francisco Panis Kaseker commented
Anonymous commented
Hi. I wonder if anyone has found out whether Plesk Toolkit Sync is causing a problem. I have a .htaccess file with 444 set as file permission, but it keeps getting overwritten. It seems intermittent and I'm not sure what's doing it. It actually only takes out the comment ## that I have before a single line. When commented, it doesn't disrupt a set of forums I have in one website. The overwrite only takes out the comments? Very strange.
I know I could remove the line and see what happens, but I'm really trying to be the detective here. It's the index.php line near the bottom, where I place the ## before it, and then mysteriously it's removed. Any thought?
EhudZ commented
I have noted Plesk Toolkit SYNC possibly seem to damage file permission, so the need is for Plesk component, to identify what process changed file permission.
Anonymous commented
We are looking for logs for the changes done on website, such as , addition of new pages, modification of old pages or deletion of pages. If we can get in-depth informaiton such as what content is modified, this would be of great help.