add posibility to secure webmail using Let's Encrypt certificate without domain being hosted on Plesk

Thank you for the update! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Anonymous commented
it is not rare case when Plesk is used as mail server. In that case hosting is not necessary. However once disabled it is not possible to secure webmail in Plesk. Please add this feature so that Plesk users who use Plesk as mail server could use secure webmail.
silvio commented
So... Any news for this feature?
It seems essential to logically separate mail server and hosting server... -
TomBob commented
Very important. Got clients hosted with exactly this scenario.
Anonymous commented
- A-record for webmail.domain.tld points Plesk-system.
- MX-record for domain.tld points to Plesk-System.
-A-record domain.tld points to external system.In this scenario Let's Encrypt does not issue a certfiicate for webmail.domain.tld via Plesk GUI.