Log changes in the DNS zones to the Action Log
Currently, logging DNS zone changes is limited to the fact that there was a change: admin [2019-05-22 16:14:42] 'Default domain, DNS zone updated' ('Client GUID': '4ea73128-7ba2-4cf5-b4f8-35084d078381' => '4ea73128-7ba2-4cf5-b4f8-35084d078381', 'Domain GUID': '9d1f3706-259d-4fe6-8df4-c04cea7b9771' => '9d1f3706-259d-4fe6-8df4-c04cea7b9771', 'Domain Name': 'example.com' => 'example.com')
It would be nice to have an actual diff between the previous and the new state of the DNS zone, as in the current state there is not enough information
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
— AY