To make Website Preview on the domain name in Plesk using the valis SSL certificate
Currently, Website Preview on the domain name is using the domain certificate, which raises certificate warnings in web browser.
For previewed domains, which does not have the certificate defined, the default server certificate is used.
However, even if the wildcard certificate for the domain name on which websites are previewed is used as a default one, it still does not cover the resulting URLs on which websites are previewed.
That raises SSL warnings issue for new domains, which redirect to HTTPS according to settings in Plesk or website code itself.
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality for the upcoming releases if it becomes popular enough.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Kaspar commented
Yes +1 for this feature
Nejib commented
Any news ?
Tobias Buschor commented
Yes please!