Inbox / Email storage encryption
Some customers and users find it difficult to trust a mail provider with unencrypted emails, while they are stored on the mail server, even the email account users domain administrator is sometimes not trusted like that.
Plesk should consider implementing a way for email account owners to option-in on inbox / email storage encryption.
Encryption per folder, inbox, domain or general over all, with their own key or with a key Plesk have generated.
Most of the self-build CP hosters and even cPanel hosters do not have this option, and I think this would be a great sales point, while be a huge contribution to the general safety of our customers - which we care alot for.
Come on Plesk, be groundbreaking for once :)

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.