Deliver the emails externally when the mail service is disabled in Plesk Obsidian with SmarterMail
Currently, when mail service is disabled in a domain hosted in Plesk Obsidian with SmarterMail, Plesk disables the mail service for the domain in SmarterMail.
This causes a problem when trying to send an email to this domain because SmarterMail considers the domain is disabled with the following error in the log files:
Delivery for jsmith@domain.tld to has bounced. Reason: The domain is disabled
Plesk should do the following when mail service is disabled:
- Keep the domain enabled in SmarterMail
- Configure the Inbound Message Delivey from Local to External
Or, provide an option in Plesk GUI to remove completely the mail service
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Chris Danks commented
This bug has been in Plesk for years.
Simple Hosting GmbH commented
That would be very important because right now we have to enable the mail service on each domain manually in smartermail and set it manually to "deliver external". that has to be solved.