clean temp folder daily windows servers
Windows Servers (Plesk) become slower when the c:\windows\temp folder has thousands of files in it even if you have SSDs as IIS will have to load all those files each time it loads a website or does a task.
This folder seems to have thousands of .spamassassin files aswell as thousands of PHP sessions files and its not always a permission issue.
To ensure this does not occur we created a daily scheduled task to use ForFiles app on windows server to clear it each night. This improves speed dramatically.
We recommend Plesk consider creating this in the panel of plesk for windows as a feature under General section to do this as its something at times missed by System Administrators like ourselves.
Performance is important too.

Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Name commented
Yes, temporary SpamAssassin's files should be cleaned up, BUT only them - it would be unwise to blindly remove all files from that folder.
Anonymous commented
Please release as soon as possible