Add ClamAV as module in Plesk to protect better the server. Thank you Parallels Team.
Is easy to use.

Rihards Simanovics commented
License cost increases are the norm—have you heard of inflation? Welcome to the world of B2B and year-on-year inflation! As for partner licenses, I don't hide it: IONOS is my VPS provider of choice, and funny enough, their VPS costs went down rather than up over the years—a benefit of bulk licensing, I guess 🤷🤭.
Thijn, you are asking for a comprehensive solution that secures mail and storage. This is not easy, even if you are relying on free and open-source software.
P the "Plesk Email Security" already provides the bare minimum functionality, and even then, I'd say not enough as two emails hosted on the same server can send emails to each other, bypassing the security, and this is a paid module by Plesk. What makes you think that a free one will be any better? Also, just because something is based on Open-source software doesn't mean it can't be used for commercial purposes, that's how Open-source software gets popularised - when larger corporations with bigger resources for R&D integrate and invest in making it better.
Also, P, please don't get me twisted. I perfectly understand that people want stuff for free; it's human nature, but that's not how business works. Everything has hours and costs attached, hours that could've been spent fixing the bloody race conditions in the UI, and the cost of the development time.
Ionut Bochis commented
I guess Rihards never had to deal with licensing increases over the year for less and less features since his company gets his servers from his hosting partner (won't name names here, a simple google outlines his choices) and they provide the Plesk license for free (they prob increase the hosting price to accommodate those, but he can't tell anyway).
As many said, this thread is for official support of ClamAV integration with Plesk, regardless of what we can fiddle manually from our DevOps side. Plesk asked us for feature requests and in return we got features under a pay wall instead of feature under the monthly license price.
P commented
Rihards, I think the point you're missing is that we asked for ClamAV to be integrated with Plesk (in my case for use with Mail). We already knew it was free. Users campaigned for years on here for this feature. They finally do it but it's monetised for something that's open sourced and free, this decision hasn't gone down well with those who have waited years for it to happen amongst continually increasing licensing costs and adding other features that no one has asked for.
In most users eyes, AV is a basic necessity/component to help secure and embolden the product Plesk's selling. You can argue that just because the product it's based on free open source software Plesk doesn't have to extend that free price to it's customers, but where does that thinking stop? Plesk starts charging for the management of MySQL/Maria DB's? They start charging for PHP versions and updates?
Maybe just respect other peoples right to protest/voice their opinion instead of bashing them for it?
Thijn commented
The existing Plesk extensions only scan specific areas: the webspace antivirus focuses on website files, and the mail antivirus targets email threats. A global antivirus solution is needed to ensure comprehensive server-wide protection, covering all potential vulnerabilities and threats.
I currently have a ClamAV setup that approximately notifies me via email when issues are detected. However, this setup isn't integrated into Plesk, meaning I can't view the results within the Plesk interface or utilize Plesk's notification system for alerts. -
Rihards Simanovics commented
Oh, you lads, you give me a good chuckle.
It's interesting how people focused on what I defined as "Mind-blowing in 3, 2, 1...." instead of what I said above, which is how you get ClamAV and integrate it with Postfix FOR FREE.That said, fine; I laid that trap for myself.
Let me do what, in hindsight, I should have done yesterday.
Here is why I think they'll not implement it:
1. They already have an in-house paid Module, "Plesk Email Security", which implements ClamAV as part of the installation. They are not obligated to make it free for you, just to make it clear—again, the software is not open source. Don't use "Plesk Email Security", though. Its feature set is severely limited, and your money would be better spent on the third-party module I mentioned in the next point.
2. There is also a third, partly module, WAF or the "Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection." The interface might be dated, but it's 100x better than "Plesk Email Security" and has a spam rating for internal emails.
3. For server and WordPress file scans, you have "Imunify," which has both free and paid versions. Free is, for the most part, enough; that said, if you are running something like an agency, more premium features would likely be nice to have. In my opinion, ClamAV is not a good option for server file scans as it was primarily designed for email checks.
4. This is the final reason: the initial comment from admin was, and I quote was:
Plesk currently offers two high-quality anti-viruses and other related services like WAF. Integrating another anti-virus solution is an expensive undertaking, so we’d like you to let us know which ClamAV features are missing in anti-viruses and services already available in Plesk. This will help us properly evaluate and prioritize this request.—AK
"This is why I say that people whine; there is nothing constructive when you keep asking for something, which, on Plesk's side, makes no sense to implement because the feature already exists through other means, not least the one for free using the terminal, which you can implement yourself. They've said it themselves: "Integrating another anti-virus solution is an expensive undertaking, so we’d like you to let us know which ClamAV features are missing in anti-viruses and services already available in Plesk".
It's not about "darn it, we paid for Plesk, so they must give us a free module"; it's about "What reason is there to implement it, or what's lacking in the current solution".
Plesk is foremost a commercial i.e. B2B solution, not for individuals B2C. If you run a business hosting many sites and need these features yet have no money to pay for them, 🤷 tells me a lot about your business.
Look, they list who Plesk is for on their site's home page:
Who’s Plesk for?Web professionals like you from across the globe
Infrastructure Providers, Admins, Developers, Content Managers, Digital Agencies.
" -
P commented
Rihards Simanovics comes on here to whine about people coming on here to whine lol!!!
Achraf mandri commented
Yes very important
Dear Rihard , i agree developers must be paid , but must also update and add new functionality in order to keep earning from subscriptions, as bossey1 says , the problem isn't to seamlesly install clamv on the background but to be supported by the Plesk GUI. Clamav should have already be implemented.
Rafael Abreu commented
******** stupid taste!!! Plesk is paid and not free, so it's the least they can do and bring low-cost solutions to us.
bossey1 commented
I think the response by Richard Simanovics is a tad immature, unnecessary and undeserved. Calling for official support is no indication of the competence or otherwise of those making the request. Some officially supported and seemingly integrated extensions happen to be free. I have installed ClamAV but don't like the fact that the Plesk interface still tells me my emails are unprotected from viruses.
The first request was made in 2013. That is 11 years past so I don't think a gentle letting off of steam deserves the charge of incompetence. If there is a place where we can get regular updates on this voted-for request, then kindly point us there. Else let people know to no longer vote for this integration.
Rihards Simanovics commented
`sudo apt update && sudo apt install clamav clamav-daemon` - replace with whichever package manager you use.
you... are... welcome!
And a link to integrate with Postfix if you need it for mail protection:
Google or ChatGPT is your friend for other OS'.--- Mind-blowing in 3, 2, 1....
Can you PLEASE stop the whining, and keep this thread clean!? For those who, like me, hate these whiny emails, my apologies for adding to the noise. It's unbearable when all you want to see in your mailbox is:
"Some feature I'm subscribed to - Marked as Complete / In Progress / Planned"
Here is my take on this: if you can't open a terminal and DIY it while the Module is developed, you shouldn't run your own server or control panel since you are showing yourself as incompetent. Get yourself a cheap shared hosting and be happy. There are already other modules that are PAID AND FREE, and they are installed for you as part of the installation process.
As for monetisation, the "module" and friendly GUI are a convenience; developers spend time developing them, so they should get paid. Plesk is not open source, and if you get it free with VPS hosting, then you have a license that your VPS provider is paying for, and if you are "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirate's life for me!" then you have no right to demand anything.
If you don't like something or can't bear getting your hands dirty by going into the terminal, install one of the numerous control panels you've mentioned and stop clogging up my mailbox!
Weare Borg commented
I dont understand why everything needs to monetized. Plesk was once a very good and recommended control panel but at the moment opensource control panels are equally as good or even better. ClamAV is in most panels just standard these days.
Cesare commented
It lacks the payment mode of the other solutions basically.
This, Varnish, OLS, (...).
Every single request that is on the top of the requests here that is free has the same answer "More Input Required".
What more input do you need?
I offer myself to make a draw if needed, but I don't see anything else that can be done if those 3 (only those 3), have almost 3k votes together were "ignored" like this being build now.By now I mean, competition is growing. And is getting better. Cheaper. Easier. Faster.
This one will make 10 years next year, Varnish has made 10 years this year, and what has been done?
Besides putting these suggestions in pretty packages with pretty names and buy buttons next to them.At this point, we should have shares for making suggestions that you guys are monetizing from.
Keep raising the prices, and keep turning open source into money source.
It works for now...
Aubs commented
Yes, please add ClamAV, it's basic for Linux, so should be available in Plesk.
MandyDroid commented
Please and Thank You!
Bossey1 commented
It's about time this was done including on access scanning for mail and wordpress file uploads. We all deserve to be able to use what we trust and have it as a supported component. We are not all corporate.
Thanks. -
Pier Luigi commented
ClamAV is already available but it is intentionally disabled because you are forced to purchase the Plesk Email Security Pro extension.
Mr Black commented
Like many paid Plesk users who have received horrific support regarding new ideas, I am considering installing Virtualmin on my servers. The Parallels Team is only in it for the money, and their so-called support throws you into the knowledge base, even though, in many circumstances, the issue is not found there.
Anonymous commented
Nic commented
Plesk, it has been 11 years and this is currently the most voted feature. When is this coming ?