Add ClamAV as module in Plesk to protect better the server. Thank you Parallels Team.
Is easy to use.

Tobias Sörensson commented
they dont want to implement it as they have a addon sentinel someting that has clamav in it and if they implement it then the addon will prob lose ppl.. so i think its sadly a business thing.
G.Melguizo commented
How many votes does Plesk need to implement it...?
David Garcia commented
Although I don't expect this request to be achieved (because it has been here since 2016), I have found this link on the Plesk Support site:
Updated 2 months ago:
QuestionIs it possible to use ClamAV with Plesk?
ClamAV antivirus standalone installation is not supported by Plesk.
The feature is yet to be implemented in Plesk, take part in our product improvement by referring to this link.
The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
"""Maybe we can still "patiently wait" for it, but I have lost any faith by now...
Ionut Bochis commented
I think they've given up on implementing this for free as they've released the "Plesk Email Security" extension which allows you to use ClamAV for a montly fee, sad everything needs to be monetized nowadays.
Been waiting too long for this very important feature with no response from plesk.
globalMIND commented
Warum dauert es so lange dieses WICHTIGE Modul zu integrieren?
Ich denke PLESK kostet so auch schon genug da wäre doch einiges mehr machbar -
Stephan Brodkorb commented
Please add this feature. Thank you!
Ricardo Macari commented
They don't care about the users, they only care about the money, 9 years of people asking show this without a doubt. Shame on you Plesk. Maybe it is time to move to another company.
Anonymous commented
1170 votes and not implemented yet. Since 2013…
Rhys Kendall commented
Another long standing plesk user about to cancel 4 server licenses. Been waiting too long for this very important feature with no response from plesk.
Othmane commented
Please, add this feature, this is very important. Thank you!
Jilani Joujo commented
Please, add this feature this is very important
Sam Kisser commented
We have also migrated and splitter Mailserver and Webserver to another System. After waiting for years without any change and response, time has come to make a decision.
Poor, really poor from Plesk -
Oleksandr Mitskevych commented
We have now migrated all our clients systems away, as there is no hope for this fundamental feature being added.
With lots of smaller users, it is just not worth paying for this feature per adress.
We ended up splitting web and mail services for our customers, but I totally understand that not every one is able to do that.
Such a shame, this was our main critique for many years.
In the end we gained much needed security and made everything significantly cheaper after migrating.
Anonymous commented
it's only 9 years we wait for this feature.... Thanks in advance.
Alex Seidanis commented
Rainer Sievers commented
Warum wird Sicherheit in Plesk so vernachlässigt. Dieses fehlende Feature unterstützt nur die Internet-Kriminellen. Schade!
Anonymous commented
Es necesario e importante para plataforma Moodle
Anonymous commented
It won't be implemented because they sell a "pro" version of one of their extensions that implements this.
They don't have enough with the already expensive montly quote, they need more money at the expense of their users' email server security.
Their greed has no limits, specially considering we are talking about an open source component here.
raykai commented
So devs... Plesk users have voted on this since 2013 we are now in 2022 = 9 years!
When will we see this being implemented?
This is the 2nd most voted Ideal for Plesk that the users are asking for!