Improve cron task for Watchdog component
Customer receives the following email about execution of the Watchdog cron task:
From: (Cron Daemon)
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 1:00 AM
Subject: Cron /usr/local/psa/libexec/modules/watchdog/cp/secur-check
DEBUG [utilexec] [5b5560d293f82] Starting:
rsecurcheck security2018-07-23 schedule
DEBUG [util_exec] [5b5560d293f82] Finished in 0.04981s, Error code: TRUE
From a customer point of view, it is not clear was the task executed or not.
For example replace the message "Error code: TRUE" to "Watchdog task was successfully executed"
Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.