Customization of the dashboard and improved ergonomics and usability backoffice Plesk
I use Plesk (Linux) since 2004. Nearly 10 years.
The UI Plesk simplifies actions and interventions on the server other than via access SHELL.
However, as we are not perfect;-), ergonomics must be simple to understand and not increase the learning curve. Sometimes it is easier to go through the terminal to perform an action that via PLESK.
// Allow customization of the dashboard
The function or information set by default in the dashboard are not necessarily the priority for server administrators. Open the possibility to customize the dashboard like Google Analytics.
// Improved ergonomics and usability backoffice Plesk
Some functions, presentation of information to be reviewed. Too much information kills information.
- One sign on to switch Plesk to Plesk Billing Admin
- Improved presentation on the dashboard of updates => a red light to prevent an update + [removal functions notify] + [removal modes updating]. Just put a function [SETTING]
- Allow the use of PLESK WITHOUT installing and using PLESK BILLING. Make a version of PLESK Light => No Plesk BILLING
Your request includes a bunch of assorted ideas, so let us respond for each:
1) Allow customization of the dashboard
Which possible candidates for dashboard you would suggest? What are missing functions of the dashboard from your point of view?
2) One sign on to switch Plesk to Plesk Billing Admin
I think Plesk 10.4 and 11.0 already have single sign-on for Plesk and Plesk Billing. Would you mean anything else?
3) Improved presentation on the dashboard of updates => a red light to prevent an update + [removal functions notify] + [removal modes updating]. Just put a function [SETTING]
Plesk 11.5 got redesigned dashboard of updates for “Power User mode”
Would you like it more?
4) Plesk has always been able to install w/o Billing. In older versions (like 10.0-10.3 maybe) Billing was enabled by default, but since 10.4 it is definitely optional.
We would suggest you to post your specific ideas for what is missing on dashboard in a separate request and let other users support you by their votes.
We would need to close this particular request, since some items were already implemented