Non-used allocated disk space should be showing for each subscription
It'll be very useful to show how much disk space is allocated for each of the Subscription/Service plan in Plesk panel GUI.
Right now it's only possible to see how much disk space is allocated for the subscription with the DB query.
It'll be more convinient to have such information in the Plesk GUI, e.g. inside of the "View more statistics" page of the Reseller account or main Plesk page.

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Chris commented
Here is the command to get the list of allocated disk space for CLI
plesk db -Ne "select id from clients where parent_id in (select id from clients where login = '$RESELLER') or login = '$RESELLER'" > /tmp/$RESELLER.CLIDS cat /dev/null > /tmp/$RESELLER.SUBS; cat /tmp/$RESELLER.CLIDS | while read CLID; do plesk db -Ne "select name from domains where cl_id=$CLID and webspace_id=0" >> /tmp/$RESELLER.SUBS; done cat /dev/null > /tmp/$RESELLER.DUSAGE; cat /tmp/$RESELLER.SUBS | while read SUB; do plesk bin subscription --info $SUB | egrep "Domain name:"\|"Disk space limit:"\|"Size:"\|"Owner's contact name:" >> /tmp/$RESELLER.DUSAGE; echo "---------------------------" >> /tmp/$RESELLER.DUSAGE; done; echo "Stats file: /tmp/$RESELLER.DUSAGE"; cat /dev/null > /tmp/$RESELLER.SUBS; cat /tmp/$RESELLER.CLIDS | while read CLID CLLOGIN; do plesk db -Ne "select id, name from domains where cl_id=$CLID and webspace_id=0" >> /tmp/$RESELLER.SUBS; done >> /tmp/$RESELLER.SUBS /tmp/$RESELLER.disk_space; cat /tmp/$RESELLER.SUBS | while read SUBID SUBNAME; do NEWVAL=`plesk db -Ne "SELECT round(value/1024/1024/1024) FROM Limits WHERE limit_name = 'disk_space' AND id = (SELECT value FROM SubscriptionProperties WHERE name = 'limitsId' AND subscription_id = (SELECT id FROM Subscriptions WHERE object_id = (SELECT id FROM domains WHERE id = $SUBID)))"`; echo -e "[i] $SUBNAME: $NEWVAL GB"; echo $NEWVAL >> /tmp/$RESELLER.disk_space; done