exclude large files from backup
Some customers store large videos for their website,
some of them just zip an entire website for manual backup or download, and keep it in the server storage.
some have wordpress backup plugins that will generate >500Mb files with weird extension.
others just can't understand that a PNG file >50Mb is not good for your website.
for the backup/restore functionality,
I Suggest adding the ability to exclude large files.
or even combine large files for specific extension (allow to backup any size of MPG, but exclude ZIP files >20Mb)
currently, it is possible to exclude by extensions, but PNG and MPG files can be <5Mb and others can be >50Mb, and it is not practical to exclude all PNG files from all customers.

Thank you for your idea! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
A workaround for some cases could be to place large files in separate directories and then to exclude these directories from the backup. Nevertheless we get the idea of this request to filter them from all directories by size.,
-- PD
Orenk commented
exclude from backup PNG files >20Mb
AND exclude from backup MPG files > 100Mb
AND exclude any file > 128Mb