Add curresponding CLASS / ID to each page in plesk
In order to support custom css themes, there should be a top class / id that represents the page we're viewing right now.
There is no way to say via CSS that we view smb/web/view or any other page. So Custom CSS rules are applied broadly to all pages, which limits the option to hide elements, add "::before, ::after" content, redesign specific pages and not all pages with certain CSS rules.
How should it be implemented:
You can implement page classes / ids in the html tag or body tag or right after body tag.
For example:
1. In "smb/web/view", claass="domains-page"
2. In "smb/dns-zone...", class="dns-zone-page"
3. In "smb/file-manager", class="file-manager-page"
This way anyone can just use selector css to point to the right element when writing custom CSS.
Thank you for your idea! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
-- PD
HighGrades הכנה במקצועות הראליים commented
This is such a great idea.
Daniel Bulatnikov commented
This is absurd it was not yet done by Plesk...
This is such a must-have at this point. -
קטיה בלביץ commented
Finally someone brought that up, big thumbs up.