Limit maximum crontab frequency and preventing cronjobs pile-up
Plesk administrator should be able to limit the maximum crontab frequency allowed for user's crontab (example: deny the creation of cronjob that run more often than once in 5 minutes)
Crontab pile-up should be prevented, so a user can't run a cron job if the same job isn't finished yet.
Thank you for your idea.
For the time being, please consider that a script that is started via cronjob, should check itself if another instance of the same script is already running, if there is a risk that a further instance causes problems. Crontab cannot check that.
Also, please be aware that users are not bound to repeat actions in a script in a while-loop. They can easily start a script every 10 minutes, yet let it run over and over again by just putting their content into a while-loop, maybe even wait a few seconds after each iteration. So limiting them to create cronjobs for only every n minutes will not keep users from executing scripts all the time.
We'd like to hear more from other users what they think about the idea. If it still becomes popular, it might find its way into a future version of the product.
-- PD
Alessandro commented
As mitigation measure I use this batch to run periodically to have, at least, a notification if a crontab-launched process took too long.