Add a check box option next to each domain to resecure with exisiting SLL provider
add a check box option next to each domain with the option (x) to select. Then have button to resecure with existing SSL provider.
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it becomes popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
-- SH
stevenmaas commented
Rather than disabling the firewall please allow the option to open ports when re issing SSL.
For example, Lets Encryot needs several ports open in order to reissue SSL so have a field to enter the ports to open when re issuing the SSL.
tcp:80, 443
udp:443 -
stevenmaas commented
Also if you could add:
(X) Disable Plesk Firewall while renewing SSL.
Just incase your blocking Lets Encrypt
stevenmaas commented
I am using a firewall and need to deactivate the firewall to resecure Lets Encrypt SSL