Enhancing the visibility of protection status in WordPress Toolkit
Recently, Plesk added a vulnerability status feature to the WordPress Toolkit, which is a great step forward. However, both the vulnerability status and the protection status are currently accessed through the same link, making it harder to find the protection details quickly.
It would benefit users, especially those less familiar with these features, if Plesk were to separate these into two distinct links. This way, the protection status would be more visible and easier to access, helping users stay informed about the security of their WordPress installations without extra steps.
For example, the current "Security: Fix vulnerabilities" entry in the status table could be split into two separate lines:
- Security Measures: Review security settings
- WordPress Vulnerabilities: Fix detected vulnerabilities
Both options would lead to their respective sections, making it easier for all users, especially beginners, to find and address both types of security issues. Clearer access to these statuses could also address the concern about the perceived gaps in protection, such as with xmlrpc.php, making Plesk's security offerings feel more complete and transparent.
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it becomes popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
-- SH