Please provide an indication that my new installed Sophos extension is in use at the domain level I cannot verify that the Sophos extension
Please provide an indication that my new installed Sophos extension is in use at the domain level
I cannot verify that the Sophos extension which I just purchased is activated indivdually for each of my mailboxes.
I received the following instructions from my host:
"Enable Sophos in Mail Server Settings
Navigate to Settings -> Mail Server Settings -> Antivirus -> Sophos to activate the feature.
Activate Sophos for Each Mailbox
Finally, Sophos must be activated individually for each mailbox to ensure coverage."
However, Plesk shows I activated Sophos server wide, and the other shows no mention of Sophos under the antivirus tab for the individual mailboxes.
The host wrote "I understand that determining whether the product is active might be unclear, I suggest opening a Plesk User Voice requesting an indication that the product is in use at the domain level>
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it becomes popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
-- SH