Usability of the site should be improved
Sorry, it's less an idea than a complaint:
Simplify !
The current Plesk is so bad in usability that it is a reason not choose a hosting service. The learning curve for such a straight forward tool is way to high. I don't want to spend my time to learn a tool, but just do the job I am supposed to do.
So I suggest to get a usability expert with expert knowledge on webhosting to sort out the functions and their places where they are best to be located.
Example: Why would I search the webstatistics function inside the Security and Scripting area? And if the area should be protected why can't I register the user at that level?
Why do you mix Help articles, links to sites (such as statistics) with settings links? I think it is great to have such links, but there should be a clear separation between the managing function of the hosting and the supporting functions.
I am using the tool as a reseller, but I definitely don't need all the functionality which is offered to manage it.
“Security and Scripting” was renamed into “Hosting Settings” long ago, though you are probably not at the latest version.
If you would have other proposals, feel free to share. We love specifics – if you attach screenshots and mark how it can be more convenient – we will much appreciate it.