Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
Please write in English so that voters from all over the world can read and support your request.
Off-topic posts will be removed from here
705 results found
Synchronize Plesk Servers (Failover)
Keep two (or more) Plesk servers in sync for a failover scenario.
Migration Manager only allows manual "sync"1,575 votesAlthough the implemented solution differs from the initial demand, we are closing the request as "already available”. We have thoroughly investigated the idea to solve the redundancy issue using a Plesk cluster. Our research has proved that this solution is not in step with the times, is no longer demanded by our partners, and has its limitations. We would like to give an explanation of each point.
More than nine years ago, when the request was created, the IT world had already begun to change. Previously, partners and customers bought or rented bare-metal servers and organized them in data centers. If the servers did not have sufficient component redundancy, there was a risk that a power supply or hard drive failure would lead to service downtime. However, a synchronized failover server could save hosting from such problems. But since then, hosting infrastructure has changed significantly. These days, public clouds are…
562 votes
Additionally, ngx_pagespeed module is available since Update 43 for Plesk 17.8.11 – https://docs.plesk.com/release-notes/onyx/change-log/#contents-17811-mu43
IG -
autodiscover for email settings for linux and windows
autodiscover for email settings for linux and windows
544 votes -
Backup into Cloud
There are quite many free and commercial cloud storages at the day where user could keep their backup. But many storages wouldn't offer FTP access. It may be helpful if Plesk could transparently upload backups into a customer's Dropbox, Amazon or Azure account.
440 votesHappy to announce that Plesk 17.8 supports backup to S3, Google Drive, OneDrive cloud storages:
https://ext.plesk.com/packages/a8e5ad9c-a254-4bcf-8ae4-5440f13a88ad-one-drive-backupHow to install Plesk 17.8 Preview https://talk.plesk.com/threads/plesk-onyx-17-8-preview.343283/
DDOS Protection
What about DDOS Protection in Plesk?
361 votesAfter careful consideration, we have decided to close the request as "Already available” because several tools already are available in Plesk to protect websites against DDoS attacks. You can find the information about the solutions at What DDoS protection tools are available in Plesk.
If you are interested in a more specific tool and/or solution, please create a new request and let us know how this feature should work in terms of workflow, in your opinion.
— AY
Make subdomain email addresses possible without new subscription
It's incredibly annoying that you have to setup a subscription solely for each subdomain that you want to create email addresses for. Please fix this.
323 votesThis functionality is now available in the latest Plesk Onyx 17.9 Preview 7 (https://docs.plesk.com/release-notes/onyx/change-log/#contents-179-preview7). We encourage you to check the implementation and let us know what you think. Please visit the following forum thread to learn how to access the preview: https://talk.plesk.com/threads/plesk-onyx-17-9-preview.348675/page-2#post-855221
We would appreciate hearing your feedback on the implementation of this functionality. Thanks in advance!
— AY
P.S. Do not use the Preview build in production environments. The Preview build is for evaluation and early testing purposes only.
Add nginx-only hostings
I'll like to create a hosting that only use Nginx as webserver. Also I'll like to do this with Node.js, but I think it will not be approved.
236 votesThank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, this request contains several different suggestions, and it's not technically possible to properly handle them inside one request. At the same time, it seems these two requests have already been implemented in Plesk.
1. "I'll like to create a hosting that only use Nginx as webserver."
Since Plesk Onyx, on a website level, it is possible to configure hosting to use only nginx. If for some reason, this is not suitable for you, we kindly ask you to vote for another request and provide any helpful additional information as a comment to let us know your specific scenarios. Nginx-only hostings (without Apache component installed on Plesk).
2. "Also I'll like to do this with Node.js, but I think it will not be approved."
If you deselect the “Proxy mode” checkbox under nginx settings, apache will not serve Node.js requests. Currently, we do not…
Let's Encrypt: separate cert for webmail (without main domain in SAN)
We have a setup where webmail.example.com and example.com point to another server than our Plesk instance. Because of this we can't enable Let's Encrypt on Webmail since the CSR contains webmail.example.com and example.com.
So I hope you consider adding an option to only create webmail.example.com (without SAN example.com)128 votesHello, everyone. This functionality was introduced with SSL It! 1.4.0:
[+] The extension can now secure webmail on domains without web hosting.You can install Let's Encrypt on webmail.example.com with/without hosting and regardless of whether the main domain resolves on the local server or not.
-- SH
Possibility to activate DKIM and DomainKey without active local DNS
Please make possible generating and activating DKIM/DomainKey without having active local DNS server. Consider following situation:
You have a website that use as sender your domain when sending email and you are want to follow best practices in order to reach inbox, but this domain uses another server for DNS (cloudflare for example, godday, etc.). In this case you need to have DKIM/DomainKey signed mails without the need to activate local DNS server. Also mail management could be set off for that domain, but mails still should be able to be signed.
I believe that this scenrario is real and…
118 votesThis feature is available since Plesk 18.0.35, published April 20th, 2021. The “Mail Settings” page of domains now shows a hint how to enable DKIM signing for an external DNS server. The hint shows the exact DNS records users need to add to the DNS server.
-- PD
Webmail - Enable users to edit out of office (auto-response) message in webmail directly
I'm not sure if any webmail option right now allows the email user to update their out of office / auto response message. I think the email user has to login to Plesk to be able to edit that right now (which is annoying).
Anyone have any suggestion on this?
113 votesThis feature is already available...
- in Plesk Premium Email (https://www.plesk.com/plesk-premium-email/, "Out-of-office autoresponder")
- in Roundcube webmail (Roundcube / Settings / Filters / need to create a new filter to answer all incoming emails)
- in SOGo webmail (SOGo / Settings / Mail / Vacation / "Enable vacation auto reply")
Let us know if you have any feedback - visit our forum at http://talk.plesk.com.
— AY
lock access to Plesk Admin on only one URL
There must be a possibily to lock up access to Plesk admin to only one or selected URL for security or other reason possible, For example i have 100 domains and i only want a few domain to access to Plesk Admin (https://domain.com:8443). This is not possible yet
y112 votesAlthough there is no native functionality to lock access to a single URL, there are workarounds for achieving this goal:
1. The first workaround is to Customize Plesk URL by selecting the "The specified domain or subdomain that resolves to the server IP address but is not used for hosting" option. Along with a firewall configuration to restrict access on port 8443:
Go to Tools & Settings > Firewall > Modify Plesk Firewall Rules > Plesk administrative interface
Set Action to Deny and press OK
Press Apply Changes > Activate
2. The second workaround is to redirect all domain names to the server hostname on port 8443.
3. If your domain names are behind Cloudflare, the third option is to block all ports except 80 and 443 on the Cloudflare side.
-- SH
Add mcrypt module to Plesk PHP 7.2 and newer
Add mcrypt module to Plesk PHP 7.2 and newer.
For previous PHP versions it's included out of the box.Mcrypt 1.0.2 natively supports PHP 7.2+ (https://pecl.php.net/package/mcrypt/1.0.2)
It's, for example, required by Prestashop 1.7.x, which is quite popular among Plesk users.
107 votesSince Plesk Obsidian 18.0.49, published December 20th, 2022, the PHP configuration page that can be reached for every PHP version installed on the server through Tools & Settings > General Settings > PHP Settings has a new feature: The PECL installer! You can now install PECL extensions for PHP through that installer. As this new option became available, it is no longer necessary to provide native support for various kinds of extensions such as mcrypt.
-- PD
Add PHP Composer to chrooted
Please add PHP Composer to chrooted Environments.
Many Customers Need PHP Composer to install various scripts, cms Systems and libaries.A current big Problem is the new typo-neos System - you must use Composer to install at sources correctly
A other Problem are PHP API's and Libaries like Payment Companies like PAYMILL etc..
100 votesPHP Composer has been available as part of the Plesk core product since September 2019 and can be used from within subscriptions. Since then it was continuously improved. It can also be used on the console as described in https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001707605-How-to-run-Composer-with-Plesk-PHP. A PHP version on the console can be set as default following the guide in https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003766853-How-to-configure-a-specific-command-line-PHP-version-for-an-SSH-user-on-a-Plesk-for-Linux-server-
If you believe that specific needs are not covered by all these capabilities, please post a new Uservoice feature request and describe in detail what you need in addition to the existing solution and how that makes your work easier for you.
You can also help us understand your requirements better by doing this survey: https://pt-research.typeform.com/to/LyPiPG
-- PD
74 votes
At the moment PHP extension for interfacing with Redis is shipped for all PHP versions from Plesk as plesk-phpXX-redis package. Redis server can be installed as Docker container managed by Plesk Docker feature.
IG -
Add "Move to spam folder" option in Windows (currently available in Linux)
There is an spam filtering option to "Move to spam folder XXXX" on Linux, but not on Windows (Plesk 11+).
Unfortunately, horde doesn't work so well and every time when a message with broken header arrives, horde displays "Invalid Address" and no subject to all inbox messages. The described fix in https://kb.plesk.com/en/121175 doesn't work in this cases, forcing us to find the broken message manually (or scripting something to do the dirty job).
This feature should exists in Windows env as in Linux.
68 votesThis feature is available in Plesk for Windows like in Plesk for Linux. It is located in the Spam Filter Settings of a mailbox and named "Move spam to the 'Junk E-mail' folder"
-- PD
Hide extensions to customers
When using let's encrypt, all customers can see exention in their accommodation. Ca and I do not want
His would be to hide the exentions we want for the customer.
Thank you
62 votesYou can find this information in https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/administrator-guide/plesk-extensions/extensions-catalog.78328/#prohibiting-installation-of-extensions. Let us know if you have any feedback.
— AY -
Allow non-standard FTP port to be used for backup to FTP Repository.
Currently only the default FTP port (21) is allowed for backup to FTP repository. Other ports are simply not working and produce error messages. However port 21 is not secure so I always use alternate ports for my FTP servers like 2121. I am not the only one, see;
http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?258384-Plesk-backup-to-FTP-Repository-on-custom-port-not-working&p=698712#post698712I think we all would really appreciate if it would be possible to use other FTP ports than just 21.
62 votesGreat news, everyone – this feature is already available in Plesk 12.0 (specify IP:port or domain:port in FTP server hostname). Let us know on our forum if you experience any issues with it.
Custom suspended page
Give the ability to create a custom suspended page/redirect suspended websites to a certain URL.
47 votesThis feature is already available since Plesk version 11.5. Suspend domain and you will see link ‘Edit error page’ near of ‘Suspended’ bage. Let us know if it doesn’t help
- SU
mod_ruid2 /mpm-itk
Running PHP under "apache" user is quite troublesome because of permanent file ownership problems - FTP user cannot access files saved by Apache, Apache cannot access files just uploaded by FTP user, etc.
Plesk already supports FastCGI as a kind of a solution, but maybe mod_ruid2/mpm-itk would be better option?
44 votesAfter a research performed, we concluded that PHP-FPM would be a better option than mod_ruid2
PHP-FPM is already supported in the latest Plesk 12.5 (http://devblog.plesk.com/2015/09/plesk-12-5-rtm/)
We will merge this request with PHP-FPM request
Thank you! -
Adjusting php-fpm settings through panel on a domain basis
In 12.5 cannot find a way of adjusting php-fpm settings for a domain through the panel. For example:
See the discussion, which got nowhere, here:
http://talk.plesk.com/threads/adjust-php-fpm-settings-in-plesk-12-5.336206/43 votesphp-fpm settings can be managed in Plesk Onyx 17.8 UI
- Don't see your idea?