It should be possible to limit other users to a specific domain with full control panel functionality
When a new user is added, it should be possible to limit him to a specific domain rather than having access to all other hosted domains. e.g i am hosting 4 domains on my subscription and i want to create a user with having access to only one domain with full control panel functionality, i should be able to having this control over other users.
The roles that you can set for additional user accounts can help achieve many of the aspects that are mentioned in this feature request. Please see the blog article for getting started with roles.
-- PD
Anonymous commented
Please built this function, thank you.
Kyle commented
This would be very useful. Please get this added. Would love to see it
Anonymous commented
yes this is needed
Lucas commented
This would be really useful. I can't risk a user having access to all domains when they only need access to some. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
yes this is needed
Anonymous commented
Looking forward to it.
Boris Ortega Lescano commented
Please add this functinallity
Eli commented
Yes, we need this.
Chris Pletz commented
its there really no way to limited someone with to only access credentials to only one domain in plesk?
i face the same challenge as your oldest post here - Amaury -
Yiannis DSP commented
You must add this future. We need sub-administrators with limit access to specific domains...
Marc Serra Fontfreda commented
This feature it's a must for our servers.
It would be nice to see in an update soon.
Jeremy Tarpley commented
Would love to have this
Amaury Alexandre commented
I agree, this is basic functionality in Virtualmin where domains are considered as subscriptions when it comes to users. My issue is quite simple, I have a Wordpress multisite installed on main domain of my subscription. But, all the domains should have their own e-mails and those domain e-mails are to be managed by different users, one per domain. For the moment, the only way to do this is to allow them to mange all the domains inside the subscription. One fix could be to allow granularity per domain for user access. Another solution could be to allow domain aliases to have their own e-mails for the domain alias and not for the main domain but the user access granularity would also have to be made more specific at the domain level.
Oliver Lippert commented
As I host subscriptions for design & development agencys, they have subscriptions with up to 70 subdomains. Not all of the projects will be developed in-house so they have freelancers.
It would be nice for them, having such an restriction mode. The User should have access to the domain / subdomain, optionally to the connected Database and also optionally to the associated mail addresses.
So that would be really nice.