Health monitoring - Add Month and Year view
As the idea of integrating Munin in Plesk was declined.
Is it possible to add a Month and Year view in Health Monitoring.

Kernel Labs commented
I'd prefer an official integration but you could backup and edit /opt/psa/admin/application/admin/views/scripts/health/_group.phtml file, line 56 and add your own additional options with something like :
<option value="now-1m">1 month</option>
<option value="now-3m">3 months</option>
<option value="now-1y">1 year</option> -
Adel MHARI commented
The tool exists. Does it cost in terms of dev to add long term stat views ?
Actually everyone has munin of other monitoring tool installed, getting rid of an external tool that can lead plesk to malfunction can only be a plus for a future release of plesk.
Andy Stokes commented
Server Health
I would like to see additional longer period options for server health - 1 week is not enough to identify patterns of use over time or predict future trends. It would be good to have options for 1 month, 3 months, 1 year for example...