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201 results found

  1. Support for Child DS (CDS) in DNSSEC

    DNSSEC should support Child DS (CDS) as per
    It will help to automate DNSSEC deployment.

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  2. oauth

    Please add support for OAuth

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  3. NodeJS - ES6 support

    Update the Node.JS extension so that we can finally deploy ES6 apps!

    Problem is in helper-scripts/node-loader.js - it still uses the old CommonJS syntax which causes compile errors.

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  4. Ability to trigger folder rescan for Composer

    There needs to be a way to force the Composer extension to rescan folders for a given (sub)domain. Currently, once you've done the initial scan there seems to be no straightforward way of forcing the extension to recognise the fact that you've subsequently either added additional composer.json instances, respectively removed existing ones.

    (See e.g. )

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  5. openid

    An OpenID Connect authenticaiton extension.
    This would be useful as WHMCS can add as an OpenID Connect authenticaiton provider so this would allow a seemless link between billing and hosting contorl panels.

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  6. Server Health : Adding LiteSpeed Web Server

    Just demanding if possible to add LiteSpeed Web Server to the Server Health Monitoring.
    When apache is disabled and LSWS is used instead, his resource consumption is not recognized.


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  7. support system

    Make a support system directly in the plesk interface so that the host's customers can open a support ticket on its plesk interface

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  8. Git extension deploy using git's own worktree

    There are limitations with the current git deployment system, including:

    1. You cannot edit files in-site and push them back to a repo. You must make all changes elsewhere and push them in. This can be limiting.
    2. You cannot see what has changed in the deployment directory. If we could "git status" we could easily find scripts that hackers installed. Currently this can be done by setting --git-dir and --work-tree options to git, but that is painful.
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  9. Provide a File Manager for admin so that all files and directories of a server can be edited, including these outside subscriptions

    For those Plesk admins who unfamiliar with Linux CLI would be convenient to have an access to the Files and Directories via File Explorer. To be able to execute simple administrative tasks without learning CLI commands

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  10. git extension: option to delete branches

    Git extension: option to delete branches that are not more in the remote repository (or everything and with the next pull get only the ones from remote).

    Here are some possible solutions, I assume:

    After some time there are so many branches on the dropdown that it really gets annoying to search for the desired one and removing and adding the repository does not really feel right.

    Here is a command, in case someone finds this idea before it was implemented:

    (not sure if there is already a feature request open for this)

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  11. Appending strings using Plesk API


    Please add Extenshios API usitlity and method which allows to append string into a file.

    Now it is only possible to read from a file and overwrite a file:

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  12. Show who last created, modified or deleted a file or directory (history)

    We would to like a plugin to view who is the latest person with access to plesk or ftp that you have changed or modified files and keep a record of who has modified it, the date and time.

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  13. Please enable this driver in php.ini (extension=pdo_firebird extension=pdo_mysql extension=pdo_oci extension=pdo_odbc extension=pdo_pgsql e)

    Please add this to php.ini, we can use our pdo driver for ms access:

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  14. [Plesk firewall] Add a possibility to see in Plesk GUI the logs of connections dropped by different Plesk firewall rules

    It would be nice to be able to assess the effectiveness of Plesk firewalls rules, especially the ones manually placed by Plesk users.

    This information would be important to see in Plesk GUI if this is implemented:

    1. date and time stampts
    2. the name of rule
    3. the exact IP address from where the connection was dropped
    4. the destination port and protocol
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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  15. Provide latests Prestashop installation package

    Prestashop installer version 1.7.5.x could be added. I have Plesk Onyx 17.8.11 and in a previous version there was the installer of thePrestashop 1.7.x, plesk 17.8.11 it does not appear. If there is a installer, the prestashop updates can now be done from the prestashop itself

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  16. Add functionality to manage Imunify360 extension on a per subscription/customer basis

    It would be useful to add an feature of providing access to Imunify360 to particular customers so only them can manage it

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  17. Implement Google Authenticator 2FA for the Plesk Mobile App

    Currently, Google Authenticator 2FA applies only to the Plesk Web Interface.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  18. Support for Helicon Ape

    Helicon Ape is a great tools for the support of .htaccess with IIS. I was really surprised, that Plesk does not support it yet.

    We like to move from WSP to Plesk, but we need support For Helicon Ape.

    Plesk should allow to edit .htaccess from the UI.

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  19. 8 votes

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  20. Automatic DNS record export for new domains from Plesk to Cloudlfare

    Automatic DNS record export for newly-created domains from Plesk to Cloudflare.

    Currently, in order to create domain zone on Cloudflare side for the new domain in Plesk, user have to manually export it in Cloudflare DNS extension.

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