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339 results found

  1. CLI utility for changing vhosts location for Windows

    Add CLI utility that changes virtual hosts location in Windows

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  3. When Password-Protected Directories option is enabled, allow accessing protected directory from particular IPs without authentication

    Add an ability to access password protected directories from the specific IP addresses without authentication and have authentication for others.

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  4. Web Application firewall log show apache AND nginx


    Navigating to Domains > > Web Application Firewall > Error Log File results in apache, log opened by default which is not very convenient when OWASP3 Ruleset is running on Nginx. Could we have this option display both apache and nginx files?

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  5. VERP-style mail lists status

    Currently the VERP-style option for email addresses for mail lists in Plesk via CLI has only enable/disable arguments and its status cannot be verified via plesk CLI:

    plesk bin mailserver | grep -i -A3 subaddr
    --email-subaddressing-enable <true|false>

    It would be a nice addition to have "status" as an argument to be able to query this setting.

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  6. anchor web site

    I'm using reseller plesk. When I login to plesk panel, I can see more than 10 web sites. But If I can to be anchor (pin) a wed site to top, It will be useful.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  7. Add ability to manage access to the log files for domain owners

    It would be nice security improvement to add ability to manage access to the log files for domain owners: to be able to restrict them from viewing logs or allows them to do so

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  8. Limiting access to Plesk panel by specifying the allowed dst addresses

    It is required to control the accessibility of the Plesk panel by having an option to permit access only by the specified server's IP's. For example:
    Let's say there are & IPs on the server both assigned with a domain name
    Option "Specified domain" is set in Tools&Settings > Customize Plesk URL.
    Any other IP address on that should NOT serve the login procedure.

    However, when this server has a full subnet added as the secondary IP addresses, it is possible to open any of them via the Web Browser, afterward press "Log in to Plesk"…

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  9. Make "command Z" in Codeeditor possible again after saving.

    Before your last update was installed, it was possible to go back in the code editor with "Command Z". Nowadays it is only possible to go back to the last save point. It used to be possible to go back to the point at which the file was opened.
    Can you make that happen again?
    Thanks in advance.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  10. make possible to automatically add a sender whose message was marked as spam to the server blacklist and vice verse

    When a user is marking a message as spam, a sender of this message is added to the server blacklist and is removed from the whitelist.
    If a user is marking a message "not a spam" (moving from spam folder to the inbox), the sender of this message is removed from the server blacklist and then added to the server whitelist.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  11. sorting table within Advisor -> Secure Websites With SSL/TLS Certificates

    It would be nice that you can sort on 'Valid to' with in the advisor section secure websites with ssl/tls certificates.

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  12. Using tab key to navigate through menu

    Ability to use the tab key on the keyboard to navigate through a menu and select items by using keys such as arrows, Enter, Space
    For example, in the section Add/Remove Components

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  13. Flag domain name if it is not routed to the IP associated with the subscription


    I want to know if it is possible that domainnames get an mark or something when the domainip is not connected anymore.

    Now you get an message when you install an account and the ip is wrong.

    It should be nice when you always get this message or it is vissible in plesk.

    Regards albert

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  14. Add the ability to modify the Private Memory Limit and Virtual Memory Limit values via CLI command

    Add a CLI command in Plesk server for Windows that it will be possible to modify Private Memory Limit and Virtual Memory Limit via CLI command

    At the moment Private Memory Limit and Virtual Memory Limit can be
    changed only via IIS service

    Also include an option to modify Private Memory Limit and Virtual Memory Limit for all application pools simultaneously

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  15. Manage placeholders of extension notifications.

    In Obsidian it's possible to add different placeholders to Plesk notifications(for example "subscription overuse").
    It's not possible to add placeholders to extension notifications for WordpressToolkit and Let'sEncrypt

    Feature is to be able to manage extensions notifications by adding different placeholders like below
    {{ domainname }}
    {{ reseller
    login }}
    {{ clientlogin }}
    {{ user
    login }}

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  16. Scheduled Tasks for Resellers

    it would be nice if the Reseller could see, start and possibly change the scheduled task of his Custumers from the Reseller-View.
    Or at least an overview of all Customers Tasks.

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  17. API filter which invokes for a specific letter


    Please add functionality to add a filter into API request so that the request may be invoked for each letter from a-z separately.

    For example, in order to list mailboxes which start from letter "A".

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  18. Ability to remove additional license via CLI

    I need an ability to remove an additional license key via CLI

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  19. create button "clear file".

    It's will be very coneniently, when you see log or error files...

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