Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
Please write in English so that voters from all over the world can read and support your request.
Off-topic posts will be removed from here
256 results found
kindly enable 32 bit pool
Add a feature that allows Customers/Administrators to control the "Enable 32-Bit Applications" flag on the Application Pools in Plesk for Windows
1 voteThank you for your suggestion. Plesk already contains an option to manage the "Enable 32-Bit Applications" flag on Application Pools. More information about the feature can be found in the documentation:
If we understood your suggestion incorrectly don't hesitate to create a new suggestion with additional details.
RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 and above in-place upgrade support
With many Plesk servers running on RHEL 7 and it reaching its end of life very soon, an in-place upgrade to RHEL 8 or higher that is tested and supported by Plesk support would be very helpful.
1 votePlease see the free Plesk centos2alma conversion script at https://github.com/plesk/centos2alma
-- PD
Mark Suggestions that have been implemented - as such and close thread.
This suggestion is for THIS feature suggestions area. As a feature is implemented into PLESK, then mark the feature request as "COMPLETED - DATE - VERSION " and then close the thread.
I just went looking for a few things and found suggestions (years old) that are current in plesk and it can do. But the thread is still open and listed as a suggestion.
1 votePlease let us know which feature requests you believe have an incorrect status.
-- PD
Switch the domain while on the Create Email Address page
It would be nice to have a dropdown on the Create Email Address page, so that I may create mailboxes for other domains via that page instead of having to switch to the domains before doing so.
1 voteThis feature is already available. Instead of starting mailbox creation from within a domain, simply start it from the subscription level. For example: Login to your subscription, then click on the "Mail" menu. When you click "Create EMail Address" from there, you are taken to a mailbox creation page where you can select the domain for which you create the mail address right next to the mail address input box. After you created a mailbox you are taken to the same mailbox overview page again an can create another mailbox for the same or another domain using the drop down.
-- PD
one day license for emergancy use for costumer can not access
this one day can decrease after sharj
1 voteThere are several ways to get a temporary license. For example you can get a 14-days special migration license (https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12388069544215). You can also buy a license for only a single month. If you have other questions on licensing, please contact license support through the support desk https://support.plesk.com
-- PD
add a Cross Server Sync feature
To copy the entire Server to a 2nd one for a Failover protection. These Servers would always be synchronized in real time or smaller cycles.
1 votePlesk can be installed in a high availability cluster. Please see this article for details:
-- PD
Combine PHP FPM and FastCGI in domain scheduled tasks settings to one common handler since they both using same PHP cli.
Combine PHP FPM and FastCGI in domain scheduled tasks settings to one common handler since they both using same PHP cli.
1 voteIn "Scheduled Tasks" the PHP handler cannot be selected. Only the PHP version can be selected. Please see the attached screenshot.
-- PD
Allow csv export of IP Addresses for easy export to new server when setting up the configuration.
Allow for easy export of various values in Plesk as CSV values. In my case I am generating a yaml file for the server that I am migrating my Plesk server to that contains a lot of IP addresses. Plesk's migration extension is good, but it complains about the lack of available IP addresses on the new server, IP addresses we may not want active/live until the cutover from dev to prod.
I can copy/paste line by line so this is the lowest of low priorities for me.
1 voteAt least three easy solutions already exist to export the list of IP addresses:
1: As CSV:
# plesk db -Ne "SELECT ip_address FROM psa.IP_Addresses INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/ip_addresses.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';"
2: As XML:
# plesk bin ipmanage -xi
3: As a formatted text list:
# plesk bin ipmanage -l
-- PD
Assign a user to access only specific subscriptions
Currently, there is no option to selectively assign a user to access multiple subscriptions.
The available choices are limited to granting access to either a single subscription or all subscriptions.1 voteAs on a subscription level the security model does not allow to add a role user to one subscription who can access another subscription, too, (that would break the security model, because then users could create their own permissions to access other users' subscriptions) it will not be possible to add a feature where a user inside one subscription can be allowed to access other subscriptions.
But: You can assign multiple, selected subscriptions to the same owner (user), so that when that user logs in, he sees all the subscriptions assigned to him and can access the subscription of his choice with a single user login. In order to assign a subscription to an existing user (subscriber), click on the "Subscription" menu, check the subscription(s) that you wish to link to another subscriber and click the button "Change Subscriber".
-- PD
1 vote
Let's Encrypt has been support for many years. Please install the free "Let's Encrypt" and "SSLIt" extensions so that you can create Let's Encrypt certificates for your domains.
-- PD
Admin Message to Users
I'd like to have an admin option to generate a System wide message like "System willbe restartet on xxxxxxx ebcause of"
This message should be displayed as a popup or any other way to all users / resellers right after logion to plesk....1 voteThis is already available with the Broadcast Message Extension https://www.plesk.com/extensions/broadcast-message/
-- PD
A suggestion to have Sendmail disabled by default
Sendmail is currently enabled by default on new Plesk installations.
While there's an option to disable Sendmail, it might better to have it disabled by default with the option to enable it. This could prevent issues with outgoing spam messages, i.e. if a website has an unsecured contact form or if there's a malicious script.
1 voteThe option depends on what is set on the "Mail" options tab of the service plan that is used for a subscription. You can choose "Not configured" in the service plan to have mail service disabled by default on new subscriptions.
If you want to prevent any outgoing mails from a subscription, including mails sent by scripts, you can set the "Outgoing mail" preset to zero on the service plan, too.
Turning mail service off for the whole server in general on a new installation is very likely not what users expect. E-Mail is one major usage of a server.
-- PD
Diagnose & Repair
Add more features to it so it checks the status health of the domain-name report and checks for active SSL checks for viruses on the server and adds the ability in this function to make harder PHP services.
1 voteThe purpose of diagnose and repair tools is to check if system services are running, if configuration files are present, correctly formatted and functional and if the database structure and content are consistent. The auto-repair capabilities of the tools are already magnificent. But the tool is not designed to
- improve security ("make harder PHP services")
- find or remove malware ("checks for viruses")
- report SSL status ("checks for active SSL")
- check domain names (we don't see how a domain name could not be healthy)
For such additional tasks, other software is already available for free in Plesk. For example for the security related checks the free ImmunifyAV extension will be helpful. For the SSL related checks the SSLIt extension can help, because it displays a full report for all domains (simply click "Open" on the extensions page). Regarding PHP hardening, this is a quite individual task with…
Filemanager autodelete cron job
Please add an autodelete Feature.
Something Like:
trash.autodelete = 1
trash.deleteafterdays = 30If it's working from "Julian Bonpland Mignaquy" posted here.
find /var/www/vhosts/* -maxdepth 1 -type d -name ".trash" | xargs -i find {} -type f -mtime +1 | xargs -i rm {}
1 voteThis feature is already available in a very similar form. It is described in the change log for version 18.0.39
Since then you can configure auto-deletion (rotation) by date or by size. We would appreciate hearing your feedback on implementation of this functionality. Thanks in advance!
Configure session idle time / logout of phpMyAdmin
automated logout happens in phpMyAdmin even if i am continuously checking sql commands in phpMyAdmin , the editted sql commands are lost and effort gone waste
logout should happen only in case of the phpMyAdmin console is idle for certain time say half an hour1 votePhpMyAdmin is linked to the Plesk GUI session. If the Plesk session expires, phpMyAdmin times out, too. To avoid this you can change the session settings in Plesk with Tools & Settings > Security > Session Idle Time.
-- PD
To add email to sending to Plesk when update failure
When auto-update of Plesk was failed - please add support contact what to send error.
1 voteYou can alway find Support Contact (Help Center), liks to FaceBook Community and official Plesk forum if you click on question mark in the up-right corner. You can send error to any of these channels.
Websites and domains Dynamic List is too slow with too many entries
If you have more than 100 domains/subdomains in Plesk, then the dynamic list of domains, which is loaded just after login, takes too long to load.
In some cases it reaches the timeout limit. It would be nice if after some seconds the page isn't loaded yet, then enable the classic view and reload the page.
1 voteIs the issue still actual? We've done improvements to address the performance concerns.
Change maximum file upload value in file manager
Currently, if I want to upload a large file, it suggests me to do it via ftp
1 votePlease apply the solution from this KB article: https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213390449-Unable-to-log-in-to-Plesk-or-upload-files-via-Plesk-File-Manager-or-applications-The-file-is-too-big-
IG -
Add ability to manage Tools & Settings > Server Settings > Force daily log rotation for all domains option via the cli
Add ability to manage
Tools & Settings > Server Settings > Force daily log rotation for all domains option via the cli1 voteIt can be managed already in CLI with
- plesk bin settings -s logrotate_force=true
- plesk bin settings -s logrotate_force=false
You can also set period how long logs will be kept:
- plesk bin settings -s logrotate_period=12
IG -
make it possible to restart the server via plesk
Is it possible to add a feature via Plesk to restart the server that it is managing?
1 voteGo to Tools & Settings > Server Management > Restart Server
- Don't see your idea?