A suggestion to have Sendmail disabled by default
Sendmail is currently enabled by default on new Plesk installations.
While there's an option to disable Sendmail, it might better to have it disabled by default with the option to enable it. This could prevent issues with outgoing spam messages, i.e. if a website has an unsecured contact form or if there's a malicious script.

The option depends on what is set on the "Mail" options tab of the service plan that is used for a subscription. You can choose "Not configured" in the service plan to have mail service disabled by default on new subscriptions.
If you want to prevent any outgoing mails from a subscription, including mails sent by scripts, you can set the "Outgoing mail" preset to zero on the service plan, too.
Turning mail service off for the whole server in general on a new installation is very likely not what users expect. E-Mail is one major usage of a server.
-- PD
rafael commented
The request to disable sendmail is only for web application that send email WITHOUT proper AUTH.
rafael commented
This is very important. Many servers get compromised because of that. Allowing user to enable sendmail function is much more secure than making it as default, as we step every day on many new security chalenges.