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253 results found

  1. central webmail management

    extend the webmail settings screen like the php settings.
    show the amount and which domain is using which webmail client and allow changes to it.
    now after the horde desaster it would be way easier to identify domains using it and changing that.

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  2. Mail Log Browser for windows

    We need Mail Log Browser for windows Server, this extension is only available for linux, those of us who use windows are left behind.

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  3. Spamassassin learning directories

    Would be nice to be able to add custom directories for the spam assassin's learning daily task

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  4. Outgoing mail whitelisting

    I need to restrict some email addresses to send emails to specific domains. For example, should only be able to send emails to and but shouldn't be able to send emails to any domain other than these two. In other words, an email from shouldn't go to

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  5. Outgoing mail limit based on recipients

    Allow outgoing mail limit to be based on unique recipients and not by message count.

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  6. "Enable/disable filter set" via CLI

    Allow the Roundcube option "Enable/disable filter set" found at Roundcube > Settings > Filters > Actions > Enable/disable filter set to be toggled via CLI.

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  7. Import/export mail filters

    Allow users to export and import anti-SPAM mail filters via the UI.

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  8. Email forwarding stops forwarding mail back to the address that sent the mail

    We have an email address for "operations", which forwards emails to three separate accounts. When someone on the team replies to an email, it gets sent to "operations" and all of the other addresses listed. "operations" then receives the email and forwards it back again to the address that sent it.

    My idea is to have an option for the forwarding email to NOT forward emails back to the email address it was received from. It recognizes that email address is in its forwarding list and won't forward it back to that specific email.

    So, instead of user 1 ->…

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  9. Ability to clean mail queue via CLI filtering messages with the same pattern

    There is a way to clean mail queue with command like the following:

    plesk bin mailserver --help | grep queue
    --clean-mail-queue Removes all the messages from the mail

    But sometimes it is required to clear not all messages but only ones that have the same subject, sender, recipient, etc.
    In Plesk GUI there is already this functionality in Tools & Settings > Mail queue, opening search bar with arrow icon.
    It would be great to have the similar functionality for CLI command.

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  10. to disable mail forwarding to certain domains in Plesk Panel

    Add a setting to disable mail forwarding to certain domains in Panel for global configuration so that on user side wont be allowed to put the certain domains in the Forwarding Email in the Plesk Panel. Thank you.

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  11. Notify about email without mailbox creation in a more noticeable way

    Plesk allows to create email without a mailbox when the limit for the mailboxes is exceeded, but the mention regarding the "Mailbox - Off" is not always obvious for the customer and might be missed, allowing him to believe that the mailbox is created and trying to log into it, eventually getting banned by fail2ban.
    A more noticeable notification regarding might be useful.

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  12. Customize external DNS hint for DKIM

    Possibility to edit the DKIM popup message which contains the TXT records that need be added on external DNS server.
    3rd step.

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  13. SRV record for submission (587)

    When Enable mail autodiscover AND Enable SMTP service on port 587 on all IP addresses are enabled within the Server-Wide Mail Settings, it'd be nice if Plesk would also create an according SRV record.
    _submission._tcp IN SRV 0 1 587 mail.domain.tld.
    Currently, Plesk only creates smtps with 465.

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  14. Possibility to choose the SMTP port to use. Or both ports

    Possibility to choose the SMTP port to use. Or both ports

    I know we have this option: enable SMTP service on port 587 on all IP addresses

    But if that option is enabled, all services continue to use port 465. And it also continues to use postfix, for example.

    The ideal would be to have an option that allows us, in some way, to select which SMTP port to use and that when the desired port is selected, it will automatically reconfigure (or ask us) postfix and other related options.

    Of course, later I will have to modify my mail…

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  15. premium email manage several domains from a single account

    Configure plesk premium email in order to manage from a single account several emails from different websites as it can be done with outlook or thunderbird

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  16. Allow configuring "From" header for cron tasks when remote SMTP (MSMTP) is used on a Plesk server

    If Amazon SES(or some similar solution) is used as remote SMTP configured in Plesk, cron emails cannot be sent because "From" header is hardcoded in cron, here are some related threads:

    There is a workaround - to replace the symlink from /usr/sbin/sendmail to msmtp by a bash script with the following content:

    sed -e 's/From: root (Cron Daemon)/From: (Cron Daemon)/' | /usr/bin/msmtp -t "$@"

    It would be great to have it applied by Plesk automatically and to have "From" header configurable from Plesk interface, for example in an additional field under Tools & Settings > External…

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  17. Improve the autodiscover functionality for email significant

    At the moment "auto discover functionality for email" in plesk is supported, but you can hardly call it "supported". Come on plesk team!

    • Outlook: barely supported, mostly isn't working
    • Thunderbird: supported, but not 100% (for example the outgoing server port I have configured as 587 in the SRV record is not applied)
    • Mac OS or iOS: not supported
    • other mail clients apps: barely supported

    Please improve this functionality significant so plesk can correctly call this "supported".

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  18. outgoing mail limit for day

    It would be great to have an option to set limit outgoing email per day, not only per hour.

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  19. Add ldap to store Plek users credentials so a spam filter can verify the Plesk users without making an SMTP connection.

    Could you add a local LDAP server to Plesk to verify Plesk email users?
    We currently use a spam filter (Barracuda). It has the ability to verify the recipient via LDAP.

    This would be handy.

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  20. ZStandard-compatilibity in Webmail

    Make Plesk webmail capable of reading/decompressing ZStandard-compressed mail files.

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