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40 results found

  1. Allow specifying of ports to open in firewall during certificate generation process to open and close again automatically

    allow for specific ports to be opened when securing/ressecuring Let's Encrypt SSL certs.

    For example, Lets Encrypt needs several ports open in order to reissue SSL so have a field to enter the ports to open when re issuing the SSL.

    tcp:80, 443

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  2. Letsencrypt wildcard certificate, check dns and continue automatically

    When creating a wildcard certificate for a domain where we are hosting the DNS, letsencrypt creates the required DNS record automatically, but then shows a dialog telling us to check the dns before continuing.

    Since plesk created the DNS record and the DNS points to our server, the plugin should be able to verify that the DNS is good and continue automatically.

    If we are not hosting the DNS and we have to manually create the record before continuing, the tools can easily display a 'check dns' button that will do the dns lookup and confirm if good or not.

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  3. Add option to pass OCSP "must staple" to Let's Encrypt

    It is possible to enable OCSP stapling, but not to pass the "must staple" option to Let's Encrypt, even though they support it, and it should be available in Plesk.

    More people have pointed this out on the original post:

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  4. Add separate notification confirming the issue was resolved if there were email about failure

    Whenever an email is sent about certificates that could not be automatically renewed (asking the user to manually inspect them), if the certificate can eventually be renewed automatically, then send an email to notify of the success. Otherwise the user only knows that something is wrong, and has no idea that it’s now good again. This success email should be sent regardless whether the user already receives notifications for any certificate renewal events or similar, because by default, one would expect that an error message is always matched by a success message, if it exists.

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  5. Simplify the process of uploading 3rd Party Vendor SSL certificates forcing CA part to be filled

    Make easier to understand that while uploading 3rd party vendor SSL certificates the CA part needs to be filled along with the key and crt parts. Currently its not mandatory.

    Consider the possibility of using the "old ca file" when a certificate is renewed and the crt and key parts are uploaded manually as a new certificate.

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  6. Separate log for domain resolve problems during SSL generation

    We would like having log file containing records about the issues reported during the creation of a new SSL. For example, when domains resolves to different IP, the problem is not stored in Action Log or another log file.

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  7. Assign SSL certificate from Admin repository to a domain via CLI

    Assigning SSL certificates from Admin repository to a domain is possible via Plesk GUI, but not via CLI.

    More information from this documentation, which doesn't state such option via CLI:

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  8. Allow selecting SSL certificate for ip address from all certs managed by Plesk

    When I configure an IP Address, then I can select an SSL Certificate and the Default site.

    Sadly, Plesk offers only SSL/TLS certificate from the administrators repository. Mostly I would have needed the cert from the most important website on the server. Please make all known certs available.

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  9. Add option to select which aliases will be kept secured

    Currently there's only an option to keep all aliases secured. This causes endless failure notification from Plesk if one of the domains is routed through an external DNS server and can't be automatically secured.

    There should be an option to select which aliases will be automatically secured upon expiry.

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  10. Became CA to issue SSL certificates without 3rd party integrations

    You need to make CA like cPanel who own their SSL, less error and not community service.

    It would be nice if Plesk became certificate authority to issue free certificates without 3rd party integrations

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  11. Add an hsts feature to webmail in Plesk for Windows

    It would be grate to have an opportunity to add hsts to the webmail via Plesk UI on Windows

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  12. Separate error log for Let's Encrypt and SSLIt!

    Separate error log for Let's Encrypt and SSLIt! would facilitate panel.log analysis a lot. Now panel.log is flooded with LE and SSLIt errors.

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  13. Option to enable or disable automatic issue SSL certificate per domain (instead of per subscription)

    Currently in Plesk a subscription can contain multiple domains. But there is no option to manage which of those domains should be automatically secured with a SSL certificate. There is only the "Keep Websites secured with free SSL/TLS certificates" option for the subscription, which affects all domains inside the subscription.

    This is a suggestion to create an option to be able to manage the "Keep Websites secured with free SSL/TLS certificates" on a per domain basis.

    Use case example:
    When a subscription is used for hosting multiple domains, sometimes some of those domains aren't transferred yet. For example because the…

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  14. Count what certificates are installed on a server

    Add the feature (e.g. CLI utility) to count the certificates that are currently installed on the server with displaying their types and secured components (e.g. wildcard, webmail etc.)

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  15. Automatically select the certificate in Domains > > Mail Settings > SSL/TLS certificate for mail for newly created domains

    When the new domain is created and when the option 'Keep websites secured with free SSL Certificate' is enabled on a service plan level as per:, the certificate is not automatically selected in Domains > > SSL/TLS Certificates for mail, only for 'webmail'.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  16. Enable setting the default (and a custom) max-age value for HSTS in the SSL-IT! plugin

    The Dutch web application guidelines ( prescribe a minimun max-age of one year (max-age=31536000). The default in the SSL-IT! plugin is 6 months. There is no option for one year, but there is an option for two years.

    I would like to be able to set the default value and add custom values to choose from. I would also very much appreciate to be able to set those through the CLI.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  17. Implement a general-purpose ACME client for certificate authorities other than Let's Encrypt

    Currently, it is only possible to automatically renew certificates issued by Let's Encrypt. Certificates from other CA's have to be updated manually even if they support ACME protocol, so it would be useful to have a module that could renew all certificates.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  18. Improve RapidSSL order and reissue for many domains


    Please implement a more efficient way to order and reissue RapidSSL certificates for many domains at one.

    It should be possible to order, reissue and install RapidSSL certificates for multiple domains at once without need to provide payment information over and over again.
    Payment information should be stored by Plesk on to automate payment process.

    Reissuing certificates should happen automatically and it should be possible to unsubscribe domains from future reissuing of the certificate.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  19. Install Let's Encrypt certificate on domain with forwarding type on Plesk for Windows

    Now when it is possible to install Let's Encrypt on domain It should be possible to install Let's Encrypt certificate on domain with forwarding type on Plesk for Windows too

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  20. Use Lets Encrypt to secure preview urls


    I think the preview urls is a really useful feature, but they have a limitation in which they cannot be secured.

    Being able to secure these urls with a wildcard certificate from Lets Encrypt would be hugely beneficial when developing.

    An example would be when developing with certain APIs such as HTML5 Geolocation API.


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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


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