Bug Bounty Programm for Bugs and Critical Security Issues
Bug Bounty Programm for Bugs and Critical Security Issues

We do have a bounty program registered at http://www.vulnerability-lab.com/list-of-bug-bounty-programs.php
You can also email at security@plesk.com;
Let us know if there will be any problem with submitting a report
Per requester’s comment we are closing this as already done.
<a href="vem.com">vv</a> commented
<a href="vem.com">vv</a> TESTING
Elompenta commented
thanks - closed
Benjamin Kunz Mejri commented
Hello Sebastian Lutz,
we can assist you to form a clean advisory that can be reported to the security team for further interaction. As far as your report is already done send it directly to security@parallels.com The problem to parallels was mostly the quality of the disclosed issues/bug-reports. So they setup a silent program to partners only. You can come around and we assist you to make your issue complete with all details for participation in the partners bug bounty program. A open program is no solution to parallels ip holdings gmbh respect that. -
Elompenta commented
Where I can report bugs and security issues for your Plesk Software over a secured way for a Responsible disclosure, without a support Licence?
I cant find the fee for reporting to you.So please start a Responsible disclosure Programm